When: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (check -in from 8:30 a.m.)
Where: ÖGB-Haus Catamaran, Johann-Böhm-Platz 1, 1020 Vienna
Organizer: AK Vienna, Göd, GPA, ÖGB, Vida, Weisser Ring
Acting instead of guns: Together against violence!
Violence at work, in public space and in everyday life is increasing – therefore civil courage is more important, because ever and can save lives. The VIDA union invites you to the violence prevention conference together with AK Vienna, ÖGB, GPA, Göd, Göd and the White Ring. Top-class experts: Interior and practitioners: Interior discussion about prevention, victim protection and dealing with violence, while best practice examples encourage to act.
Program highlights:
- Opening panel with Renate Anderl (AK President), Christa Hörmann (Deputy Federal Women’s Chairman ÖGB), Olivia Janisch (Deputy Vida Chairman), Eckehard Quin (Chairman Göd), Mario Ferrari (Managing Director GPA Vienna) and Natascha Smertnig (Managing Director Weisser Ring)
- Keynote of Dr. Holger Pessel (AOK Berlin)
- Panels for violence prevention, security in public transport, civil courage
- Workshops with an expert: inside from health, education and security areas
- Cultural contributions against violence
- Information stands & networking options
Media representatives: Inside are welcome! Please register at press@vida.at.
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | NGB