Martin Thürs ORF “Summer Talks 2024”: Kick-off at Traunsee with Beate Meinl-Reisinger, NEOS

Martin Thürs ORF “Summer Talks 2024”: Kick-off at Traunsee with Beate Meinl-Reisinger, NEOS

Subtitle: On August 5th at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON, afterwards
Filzmaier analysis in the “ZIB 2”, “Summer (after) talks” with
Lou Lorenz-Dittlbacher in ORF III =

Vienna (OTS) – Kick-off for the ORF “Summer Talks 2024”: In the
The “ZIB 2” anchor celebrates the 43rd edition of “Summer Talks”.
Martin Thür makes his debut as host of the most important and
most discussed interview format in the country. Location of all five
Lake Traunsee is the geographical center of the conversation
country. The “Summer Talks 2024” will still take advantage of daylight
to be able to, around one and a half hours before the broadcast date
and shown uncut “live on tape”. The interviews with the
Party leaders or the party leader of those represented in parliament
This year, factions are from August 5th to September 2nd, always on Mondays
can be seen on ORF 2 at 9:05 p.m. It starts on August 5th with Beate
Meinl-Reisinger, NEOS. Martin Thür talks to her about it, among other things
talk about how they are achieving their ambitious goal of getting NEOS into the government
want to lead, actually create.

The “Summer Talks” timetable, at 9:05 p.m. on ORF 2 and on

August 5th: Beate Meinl-Reisinger, NEOS
August 12th: Werner Kogler, The Greens
August 19: Herbert Kickl, FPÖ
August 26: Andreas Babler, SPÖ
September 2nd: Karl Nehammer, ÖVP

At least as much of a hit with the public as the “Summer Talks” themselves are
the following analyzes by Peter Filzmaier (together with je
a print journalist) in the “ZIB 2”
at 10 p.m. on ORF 2. On August 5th this is Barbara Tóth).

Analyzed after the “Summer Talks”.
ORF III editor-in-chief Lou Lorenz-Dittlbacher at 10:30 p.m. with one
Top-class group at the “Summer(after)talks” performance
the party leader and the party leaders. Are guests
Top politicians, prominent supporters,
Journalists and political observers.
In addition, the tense economic situation and the concepts
from the country’s leading economic experts
rated. How did the party leaders react in the “summer talks”?
beaten? Are your ideas feasible? And what will the political ones be like?
The parliamentary groups’ solutions and visions evaluated? At the start on the 5th.
ORF III will present the analysis of the interview in August
NEOS chairman Beate Meinl-Reisinger. Lou Lorenz Dittlbacher
welcomes Hans Peter Haselsteiner (NEOS supporter,
Entrepreneur), Katharina Mittelstaedt (Der Standard), Michael
Schottenberg (author, director), Raffaela Singer
(ORF III domestic policy) and Holger Bonin (Director of the Institute for Higher Education

The “Summer Talks” on the network and on ORF TELETEXT

As part of the current overview reporting,
and ORF ON a multimedia information package about the “Summer Talks”
together: The streaming service includes live streams and already during
Videos on demand provided for the show, including the following ones
“ZIB 2” analyzes are offered online. All “Summer Conversations”
also remain on ORF ON in their own video collection
available until 30 days after the last TV broadcast. stories feature TV interviews with party leaders
summarized, the most important statements analyzed and reactions
from politics, economics etc. presented. users have
There is also an opportunity to join in the discussion at

The ORF TELETEXT provides information as part of the domestic policy magazine
in detail about the “Summer Talks”: summaries of the
most important content and statements from the party leader and the party leaders
are presented as well as reactions from other political areas
storage etc.

Service for the hearing impaired audience

The “Summer Talks 2024” will be barrier-free for the deaf and
transmitted to people with hearing impairments. The broadcasts are on ORF
TELETEXT on page 777 and on ORF ON in the live stream and as
Subtitled video on demand. The conversations will also take place
Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) is offered. You will be from
two interpreters each from the ÖGS team
Barbara Gerstbach, Ferdinand Leszecz, Lidjia Sammer, Sabine Zeller
and Delil Yilmaz translated – can be seen on ORF 2 Europe (via satellite
and cable) and on ORF ON via live stream and video-on-demand.

Video(s) for this broadcast can be found in the AOM / original video service
as well as in the OTS video archive at


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