MarTech: Does the marketing industry have the right mindset?

MarTech: Does the marketing industry have the right mindset?

Is marketing technology (MarTech) really just for large companies? What reservations does the industry have about applications and how do you, as a MarTech newcomer, find the solution you really need among all the offers?

On September 18, 2024, the Austrian Marketing Society (ÖMG), in cooperation with the APA, invited people to a panel discussion and exclusive presentation of the results 1. MarTech Report Austria to the APA press center at Vienna’s Naschmarkt.

Andreas Mauczka, APA Chief Digital Officer, Florian Mott, Hackabu CEO, Judith Sambs, Premedia Head of Consulting, Martin Schiefer, Schiefer Rechtsanwälte and Anita Thallinger, W&H Dentalwerk Director Marketing discussed together with host and ÖMG President Alexander Oswald about how MarTech potential can be recognized and used.

The results of the 1st MarTech Report at a glance

At the start of the evening, Market Research Manager Markus Divis presented the results of the survey carried out by Marketagent on behalf of APA and ÖMG.

Marketagent conducted 156 interviews with marketing decision-makers, communications experts and managing directors. Regarding their level of knowledge in the area of ​​MarTech, around 28% of those surveyed said they knew it very well or well, around 32% said they didn’t know it and 39% rated their own MarTech knowledge as mediocre.

Something more than half of those surveyed (52.6%) already use MarTechbut around 39% said they implemented their marketing strategies without using MarTech. The main tools are: CMS systems, social media management applications, survey tools and CRM-Tools used. According to Markus Divis, there was “room for improvement” in terms of satisfaction among those surveyed. People are particularly satisfied with survey tools, while CRM systems often cause dissatisfaction.

One improve data analysis and insight, die Automation of marketing processes and one Increased efficiency were among the most frequently cited reasons for using MarTech in companies. What the respondents expected most from the technologies was: time saving, one more efficient campaign planning and one improved decision making and data analysis. The topic of innovation leadership played a less relevant role in the survey results.

There are particular problems and challenges when using the tools lack of human resources, lack of expertise among employees, lack of integration with existing systems as well as concerns regarding Data protection and compliance and the technical complexity The cost factor played a less relevant role among those surveyed.

Almost 90% of those surveyed said Data protection to be seen as a very or rather important topic when using MarTech.

To the four most important functions and solutionsthat the industry wants from the technologies include one better implementation in existing systems, one easier handling, a better support with AI integration as well as one Cross-solution AI.

In the subsequent discussion, the experts agreed that MarTech is not just for large corporations: “The technologies also offer great opportunities for smaller and medium-sized companies, for example in the form of automation and scaling factors. The application does not always have to be large and expensive. It’s important that the basis is right – then the technology works even better,” says Judith Sambs.

Exploit MarTech potential

And growth consultant Florian Mott also emphasized that it is not always about large MarTech solutions: “It is crucial that you think carefully in advance about what you want to achieve, what processes exist in the company and what solutions you expect .”

Anita Thallinger also confirmed this from the company’s perspective. She has been accompanying the process of implementing MarTech at W&H Dentalwerk for around six years now. “In the first year we worked on our vision and figured out what exactly we needed. “Together with our consulting and implementation company, we are now on a very good path,” says the marketing expert. However, she also pointed out that the use of MarTech is very intensive, especially in the initial phase, and requires a lot of resources within the company.

The right mindset for MarTech

Judith Sambs emphasized that the use of MarTech is not just about digitizing processes. “It’s about having the right mindset. We need to think differently and understand that technology is never ‘finished’ and processes are constantly changing. This means that companies and employees also have to constantly change. With the new AI applications, this change will progress even faster.”

Florian Mott agreed: “You have to be prepared to question decisions made and be open to implementing new tools. This requires a lot of flexibility.” APA Chief Digital Officer Andreas Mauczka also emphasized: “Digitalization is never complete. Sometimes we have developed processes and data – and then an AI leap comes along that affects all of that.”

Data protection has arrived

For the procurement law lawyer Martin Schiefer, the high level of awareness of data protection and compliance issues that the survey revealed was particularly pleasing: “Data protection has finally arrived. What I miss in the survey answers are the topics of AI and copyrights. If applications are simply tried out in companies without having previously dealt with these topics, I consider this to be legally questionable.” Schiefer emphasized that the use of MarTech brings great advantages for companies, especially when awarding contracts in the public sector : “Data is then not collected based on gut feeling, but can be easily measured with MarTech – a decisive factor in tenders.”

MarTech needs interpreters

The issue of data protection has caused a lot of headaches, especially on the technical side, says Andreas Mauczka – for example when it comes to cookie banners. Above all, he would like to see more communication and mediation between the marketing and technical sides in order to promote mutual understanding. “Digitalization is a process and this requires constant exchange between marketing and technology,” emphasized the APA Chief Digital Officer.

What is important when selecting MarTech?

There are currently around 14,000 marketing solutions on the market. So how do those companies and employees who feel like they know too little or nothing about MarTech approach the topic?

On the one hand, the experts recommended overcoming fears of contact with MarTech and simply testing out various applications or looking at concrete solutions using YouTube tutorials. On the other hand, it was emphasized how important it is to work with experienced consulting and implementation companies with whom the chemistry is right from both a technical and a human perspective. “I see our task as a translation service and knowledge transfer,” says premedia consultant Judith Sambs. “We have to give our customers the necessary tools and an understanding of how the technology basically works.”

“Deciding on one or more solutions is not easy; it has to be carefully considered. The potential for improvement is very high,” emphasized Andreas Mauczka.

Martin Schiefer advised looking at the processes and business models first: “Find out how your industry will develop. Then processes can be made future-proof with MarTech.”

Among the numerous guests were: Rainer Höltschl/Amalthea Signum Verlag GmbH, Roman Kasses/Federal Chancellery/Media Analysis, Karin Nakhai/Umbrella Association of Social Security Institutions, Iva Milojevic/Erste Bank, Günther Langegger/Opinion Leaders Network GmbH, Nicole Plein/Plein Communications and Martina Hollauf/Association People for People.

More pictures in the APA-Fotogalerie

Here You can find the recording of the event for download.


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