Marienkroner Fasting Survey 2024: This is how Austria fasts

Kurhaus Marienkron draws the annual mood picture on health, nutrition and fasting

Mönchhof (OTS)

  • Top 3 health resolutions for 2024: Healthier diet, time in nature, sleep
  • Fasting remains a trend topic: Half of Austrians plan to fast in 2024
  • Fasting discipline: Every second Austrian has decided to fast in 2023 – a third have actually implemented it
  • The diet of Austrians is meat-heavy: Only 7.5 percent eat a vegetarian or vegan diet
  • Intervallfasten-Boom: The 16:8 method remains the best known and most tried type of fasting
  • Diets very popular: More than half of Austrians have diet experience
  • Dreaded yo-yo effect: 7 out of 10 Austrians have already experienced the frequent side effect of dieting
  • Inflation effects: 5 out of 10 Austrians say that the higher cost of living will have an influence on nutritional and health behavior

For the fifth time in a row, the Kurhaus Marienkron is shedding light on the eating and fasting habits of Austrians. The results of the current “Marienkroner Fasting Survey” provide insight into personal intentions and motives as well as health and economic aspects of conscious abstinence. In addition to fasting as a short-term intervention to change lifestyle, this year the focus will be on diets as a method for weight loss for the first time.

Health resolutions for 2024: Eat healthier, spend time in nature, sleep
In the current Marienkroner fasting survey, Austrians are asked about their annual resolutions regarding health and nutrition: The top answer is “Healthier, more conscious nutrition” (45.8%), closely followed by “(More) time in nature” ( 45.2%) and “enough sleep” (42%). Furthermore, those surveyed have resolved to reduce stress in the new year (41.7%) – this is mainly stated by younger people (18 to 39 years old). Doing (more) sport (40.5%) and having regular health checks and preventive examinations (26.7%) are also among the resolutions. About one in six people (16.5%) want to smoke less or quit smoking, although this plan is more pronounced among men than among women.

Half of Austrians plan to fast in 2024
Fasting remains a trending topic: According to the Marienkroner fasting survey, one in two Austrians planned to fast days or a fasting regimen this year – be it with individual fasting days, in the form of intermittent fasting, as part of traditional fasting or under professional guidance in a fasting center . 9 out of 10 Austrians (92.5%) who fasted in 2023 want to continue the phases of conscious abstinence in 2024. A quarter of those who did not fast in 2023 are motivated to try fasting in 2024 (26.5%).

Further results of the Marienkroner fasting survey – from fasting motives and eating habits to the topics of diets and the yo-yo effect – as well as printable images can be found in the appendix of the release.

About the Marienkroner Lenten survey
As part of the fifth Marienkroner Lent survey from November 27th. A total of 509 people (representative of the Austrian population) between the ages of 18 and 75 (50% female, 50% male) were surveyed by December 4, 2023. The online survey commissioned by Kurhaus Marienkron and carried out by the market and opinion research institute Marketagent focused on attitudes towards fasting, experiences with fasting and diets, the influence of inflation on fasting and health behavior and resolutions relating to health and nutrition in the foreground. The survey was conducted for the fifth time in a row.

About the Kurhaus Marienkron
Founded in 1969 in Mönchhof (Burgenland) by Cistercian nuns from the neighboring abbey, the then Kneipp-Kurhaus Marienkron quickly made a name for itself beyond the borders of the Seewinkel. Marienkron opened in 2019 after a complete renovation and new building with a new focus on intestines and health. In March 2023, the state of Burgenland took over the Kurhaus as sole owner. Under the medical direction of Dr. Ulrike Göschl and with the scientific support of the nutritional doctor Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen (Professor of Clinical Naturopathy at the Charité Berlin and Chief Physician of the Department of Internal Medicine and Naturopathy at the Immanuel Hospital Berlin), the integrative medical approach includes, among other things, general medicine, Kneipp and fasting medicine, physical medicine, mind-body medicine, dietology and nutritional science , physiotherapy, osteopathy, a variety of massages, wraps, baths and showers as well as exercise, yoga, qigong and meditation. The diet individually tailored to each guest is part of the scientifically based concept at the Retreat & Health Resort Marienkron. Whether it’s a vegetable-focused reduction diet or various forms of fasting, such as vegetable, soup or juice fasting, through to intermittent fasting or the “vegetable.SUSHI fasting” newly developed in 2023: culinary enjoyment is combined with health-promoting effects.

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