Marie-Luise Angerer – a feminist pioneer is dead

Blimlinger devastated by the early death of the internationally renowned media scientist Blimlinger devastated by the early death of the internationally renowned media scientist

Vienna (OTS) Marie Luise Angerer died far too early on March 2, 2024 at the age of 66 after a long, serious illness. Born in Bregenz in 1958, she was one of the most important internationally renowned feminist media and cultural scientists in the country and, with her diverse activities, has set innovative approaches to cultural studies. Her academic path took her to Germany. She remains connected to Austria, for example, as a university councilor at the Linz University of Art (2018 to 2023).

“Angerer was one of the pioneers of this research topic with her studies and scientific work on body theories in connection with media technologies. The volume was published in 1999 Body Options, in which Angerer already placed the body in connection with digitalization and virtual spaces at the center of her research,” says Eva Blimlinger, culture and science spokeswoman for the Green Party, dismayed by the far too early death.

“Marie Luise has always strived to promote and support female colleagues and has always been a mentor for doctoral candidates and those who have gone into science, always at the interface between media, art and science, not least in her professorships at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne (2000 to 2015) and at the University of Potsdam. She tirelessly tried to build structures, for example as speaker of the graduate school ‘Sensing: The Knowledge of Sensible Media’, which she founded with colleagues in 2018. My deep condolences go out to her partner, her family, her friends and colleagues,” concluded Blimlinger.

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