Mahrer/Greco ad Öxit: Irresponsible actions by the FPÖ

Mahrer/Greco ad Öxit: Irresponsible actions by the FPÖ

Making Europe better – FPÖ is playing with fire again

Vienna (OTS) “The lack of content of the Viennese FPÖ has apparently gone so far that it is once again bringing Austria’s exit from the EU into play. This is completely irresponsible and almost playing with fire,” said the state party chairman of the Vienna People’s Party, city councilor Karl Mahrer, in view of today’s statements during the Vienna FPÖ state party conference.

“The fact that the FPÖ is once again flirting with an Öxit and obviously wants to press the red button shows the true face of this party. Of course there are many things that need to be improved. But this is exactly where we as a people’s party want to start and make Europe better with constructive policies,” said the Vienna People’s Party’s top candidate for the European elections, local councilor Kasia Greco. This will also be particularly highlighted and emphasized in the course of the upcoming election dispute.

“In any case, the FPÖ is called upon to urgently refrain from these irresponsible demands, which are directed against the interests of Austria and its citizens,” concluded Mahrer.

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