The Lower Austrian State Library in St. Pölten is the Universal Library of the State of Lower Austria with a focus on science, especially in the field of history and regional studies. It sees itself as a publicly accessible service and educational institution for all national citizens. Their collections include over 500,000 publishers, maps, historical views etc. The Lower Austrian State Archives as the largest archive in the country in turn kept countless documents, files, photos and the 12th century to the present; A restoration workshop is also located here.
Now the Lower Austrian Landes Library offers a free reading ID and attracts students with a new management concept together with the Lower Austrian State Archives. “With the new management concept, we want to promote interest in the history of our country and books with our students, but of course also present the services of our facilities,” says State Councilor Ludwig Schleritzko. For example, free advice in connection with the pre -scientific work, help with literature research or the preparation of scientific texts can be used.
But not only the new management concept, but also a free reading card should lure it to the state library from April. This ID entitles you to borrowed ten media per month as well as the use of e-books (Noe book) and the opposite loan. An essential service is that ordered books sent free of charge by post and can also be returned free of charge through the district administrators.
“We offer guided tours by both houses that are specifically tailored to the needs of school groups.
Guided tours are possible after prior appointment from Monday to Thursday. The following modules are available: The module I archive for school children between six and ten years (approx. 1.5 hours), the module II archive for school children between eleven and 15 years (approx. 1.5 hours), the module III library for school children between six and ten years (approx. 1.5 hours), the module IV library for school children between eleven and 15 years (approx. 1.5 hours), the module V archive and library for school children between six and Ten years (approx. 2 to 2.5 hours) as well as the module VI archive and library for school children between eleven and 15 years (approx. 2 to 2.5 hours). From the sixth grade, guided tours on special subject areas are carried out on request, e.g. B. contemporary history, Jewish history etc.
More information from the Lower Austrian State Archives and the Lower Austria Landesbibliothek at 02742/9005-16255 and email
Office of the Lower Austrian state government
State Directorate/Public Relations
Mag. Rainer Hirschkorn
Telefon: 02742/9005-12175
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | NLK