Long-time head of the professional rescue service in Vienna, Dr.  Alfred Kaff, deceased |  City vienna

Vienna (OTS) The Vienna Professional Rescue Service has the sad duty to announce the death of the long-time head of the Vienna Professional Rescue Service, Dr. Alfred Kaff, to inform.

The enthusiastic and highly respected emergency physician led the Vienna professional rescue service for two decades until 2010. During this time, he laid the foundation for the development of the Vienna professional rescue service, which is now one of the best rescue organizations in the world. During his active time, he was considered Europe’s leading visionary when it came to building a modern, fast and highly professional rescue organization. Dr. Alfred Kaff was also the Vienna Philharmonic’s doctor for decades.

“For decades, he was not only personally at the forefront as an emergency doctor, even on the most difficult missions, but was also the driving force in the further professionalization of the Viennese professional rescue service. He will be remembered forever for this and we will all be eternally grateful to him. My deepest condolences go out to the relatives.”said City Councilor for Health Peter Hacker.

The head of the professional rescue service in Vienna, Senate Councilor Dr. Rainer Gottwald: “Dr. Alfred Kaff laid the foundation for today’s highly efficient Vienna rescue system as a whole by, among other things, succeeding in setting the course towards a central rescue organization with a professional rescue service in Vienna, which also coordinates the volunteer organizations active in Vienna. He defined new medical standards in emergency medicine and was one of the first to implement them in Europe. I am personally deeply affected by his death and wish his relatives a lot of strength during this difficult time.”

He died today in Vienna after a long, serious illness. The professional rescue service in Vienna will honor his memory.

Questions & Contact:

Corina Had
Media spokeswoman for the Vienna professional rescue service
Tel.: +43 676 8118 70144
Email: berufsrettung.presse@wien.gv.at

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