Liechtenstein Art Museum shows Georgia Sagri: Case_O. Between Wars

Georgia Sagris exhibition Case_O. Between Wars at the Liechtenstein Art Museum from September 20, 2024 to February 9, 2025, explores the complex interplay of personal and collective struggles in the midst of global tensions. With an art work that is deeply rooted in performance, sculpture and social engagement, Sagri navigates the tensions of conflict, survival and transformation. The exhibition examines how wars – both internal and external – shape identities, societies and histories. On the facade of the art museum is Georgia Sagri’s vinyl sticker Deep Cut (2018), a bleeding wound that appears as a 3.4 meter long cut in the building shell.

Case_O. Between Wars continues Sagri’s ongoing series Cases continues and follows with it Case_L in the Friart art gallery, Friborg (2022). As part of this series, the artist deals with wounding and healing, exhaustion and recovery Case_O primarily concerned with the traces of conflict, trauma and the potential for regeneration. For more than a decade, Sagri has incorporated her self-developed research practice IASI (Greek for “recovery”) into her exhibitions and performances. Originally developed as a method to recover from the physical and emotional demands of their long-term performances, IASI combines breathing, movement and vocal technique to promote self-care and collective healing. As Sagri explains, “Breath is the seat of liberation and limitation. It has the power to connect us with ourselves and each other, and to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers.”

In Case_O. Between Wars The relics of IASI meetings inspire much of the exhibition material. From personal and intimate explorations of self-knowledge to public performances, Sagri questions societal structures and offers pathways for personal and community change.

The exhibition, which shows new works alongside Sagri’s existing work, creates a dialogue between the artist’s dynamic practice and six post-war works from the Veronika and Peter Monauni collection – on permanent loan to the art museum. The focus of these works, which emerged from the period of German reconstruction in the 1950s, is liberating gestures as a reaction to war experiences.

A central element of the exhibition is the sculpture Dynamis | Soma in orgasm as sex (2017), 2023, a work originally conceived for documenta 14, carefully restored by Sagri after it was damaged during the public presentation and in 2023 as a new work of art as part of her solo exhibition Oikonomia (The Breeder, Athens) was shown.

A production by the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, curated by Christiane Meyer-Stoll and Letizia Ragaglia.

The exhibition is hosted by the publication Case_O accompanied.

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Biography of the artist

Georgia Sagri, born in Athens, Greece in 1979, lives and works between Athens and New York. Her artwork includes performance, sculpture, sound and installation, often with a focus on the body as a site of resistance and transformation. Exhibitions of Sagri’s work have taken place in international institutions such as NEON, Athens (2024); the Gropius Bau, Berlin (2023); de Appel, Amsterdam (2021); and the Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2023). She also took part in major art events, including documenta 14 (2014), Manifesta 11 (2016) and the Whitney Biennial (2012). Your book Stage of Recovery is published by Divided Publishing. Georgia Sagri is represented by The Breeder, Athens.

Performance City

An essential part of the exhibition is Sagri’s performance City,which premieres at the opening with the participation of the renowned New York actor Jim Fletcher. Sagri’s body becomes a channel for the cycles of destruction and renewal and challenges the audience to examine their own relationship to war, memory and survival.

Im Kontext der Sammlung:
Georgia Sagri: Case_O. Between Wars
20. September 2024 - 9. Februar 2025

Samstag, 23. November 2024 und Sonntag, 24. November 2024, 15 Uhr. Kurzführungen mit der Kuratorin Letizia Ragaglia, jeweils um 14.30 Uhr.

Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2025, 18 Uhr
Mit Georgia Sagri, Christina Lehnert und Letizia Ragaglia


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