Leipzig Book Fair – horror clown in the White House

Leipzig Book Fair – horror clown in the White House

The Monsters We Create. The monsters we create.

Photo: Pennywise.blur

Regular newspaper readers are known to Georg Seßlen because of his profound cultural -critical texts. He regularly publishes in “concrete”, “taz”, “Jungle World”, “Frankfurter Rundschau” and occasionally also in the “ND”. The rise of Donald Trump or Trumpism has been the subject of his articles for years. It is therefore not surprising that the born Munich (born 1948) presented a book on Trump & Co. It benefits from Seßlen’s great knowledge of the mechanisms of the cultural industry. Again and again he compares current political events with well -known films or novels.

Seßlen sees Trump “in the tradition of a very popular figure that the heavy super villain, who cannot do any other way than to strive for world domination”. He also has a suitable film reference ready: »From the outside, the next relatives of the gold fingers in the James Bond cosmos seems. A massive man who can never lose, not even with golfing and not even playing the card at the hotel pool, and who wants to plunge the international currency system into chaos with his gold smuggling and robbery. «The passionate cineast also quotes the cinematic drama” Citizen Kane “by Orson Welles from 1941 and” There will be BE Blood “from 2007, based on the novel by Upton Sinclair »oil« (1972). Trump also becomes a horror clown, “Trickster”, the angry idiot.

It is not surprising that Seaßlen has many readers in the left -liberal milieu. Finally, he writes down against everyone who is considered evil and criminal, including Viktor Orbán, Silvio Berlusconi, Wladimir Putin and Recep Erdoğan, but also ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Westernheld and US President Ronald Reagan as well as British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Even the subtitle makes it clear what the author is about: “The UN/Standing path of the West to anti-democracy”. Here he takes bond at Bertolt Brecht. And like this Augsburg, he likes to compare himself with mafia -like characters and structures. Some intellectual readers may not be enough, more in -depth ideology criticism would have been desirable. Because what does democracy or anti-democracy mean? The so -called western democracy has supported dictators all over the world in unabashedly in the decades of the Cold War, the main thing is that they were clearly anti -communist. So what democracy is it that endanger Trump & Co. today?

Sea nesslen emphasizes several times in his book that Trump has a convicted criminal the most powerful office in the world. That’s correct. However, his predecessors, democratically chosen, have overthrowed unpleasant statesmen and governments worldwide and gave wars with millions of dead – without ever being accused. Only Richard Nixon and Georg Bush Junior are mentioned here. Classic criticism of capitalism is missing here. This may not have been the superficial concern of Seßlen with this more culture -critical, at the same time entertaining and elegant style.

Of course, Seßlen knows about the combination of business and politics. “In the 1970s, a major conversion process within the political economy of the West began.” From the beginning, this had been associated with conservative, here and there also with anti -democratic politics, notes, and reminds of the coup in Chile. The names of Thatcher and Reagan are particularly important for the course that were carried out in the 1980s. The “Iron Lady” was even a close girlfriend of the Chilean military dictator Pinochet; And both boasted of having stopped the advance of socialism/communism in their countries. Thatcher and Reagan, but also Schröder, according to Seßlen, are in a way the forerunners of the new “folk tribune” Trump, Orbán, Erdoğan and Putin, who focus on the autocrats, and party political programs are irrelevant. But of course these populists also represent very specific capital interests, are intended to enforce certain strategies of increasing profits, the struggle for resources and sales markets. These may be rabid than the liberal politicians, but essentially amount to the same thing: the submission and exploitation of the earth and humanity.

Georg Seßlen: Trump & Co. The UN/Storable Way of the West to anti-democracy.
Bertz + Fischer, 235 S., geb., 18 €.

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