Lebenshilfe Austria demands: Courage for inclusion – courage to take tough political steps

2. Forum for the professional participation of women with disabilities in the face of change

Vienna (OTS) In the course of the “2. At the “Forum on the Professional Participation of Women with Disabilities” that took place yesterday in Vienna, the demand for inclusion became clearer than ever. At the top-class event, there was not only discussion but also an active search for future-oriented solutions.

The opening statement from EU MP Katrin Langensiepen was clear: “Effort comes from power, and social equality only comes when women with and without disabilities are in positions of power.”

During the panel discussion, Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch made it clear that the deficit-oriented view of disabilities blocks opportunities for individuals to take advantage of professional and personal opportunities. For example, to train people with disabilities to become urgently needed skilled workers. Furthermore, the minister literally described the federal states’ refusal to abolish special schools as a “scandal” because this would also mean that further steps towards professional participation would be doomed to failure. No education – no participation – no social and economic factor.

The lack of transparency and complexity of the service structures in Austria were particularly criticized. People with disabilities are forced to go through an arduous bureaucratic process to apply for benefits, reducing them to supplicants. Instead, the system should aim to support people with disabilities at all levels so that they can access the services they need without excessive bureaucracy.

The demands of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities must be implemented just as consistently as the first COVID19 measures or climate protection.“ demands Christina Holmes, consultant for law and inclusion policy at Lebenshilfe Austria. “There is now enough data to know how inclusion can succeed. Now we finally have to take steps! A large proportion of society wants innovation and more humanity. This is a good breeding ground for inclusion. The linguistic clarity of the event shows that we are ready! Let’s create an inclusive society!“ said Christina Holmes in conclusion.

Questions & Contact:

Lebenshilfe Austria
Carmen Guttl
Communication & Public Relations
+43 (0)660 13 92 809

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