Leading eco-magazine: Over 1.6 million people already read

Leading eco-magazine: Over 1.6 million people already read

60 percent more readers in 2023, the COMÚN Foundation’s online medium will be further expanded in 2024, with a focus on climate & biodiversity, food, forest & wood

Vienna (OTS) The non-profit federal foundation COMÚN draws an extremely positive assessment of its online medium for 2023 More than 1.6 million people (unique visitors) read the articles throughout the year, which corresponds to an increase of almost 60 percent compared to 2022 (1.02 million). A very lively community, currently over 130,000 followers, interacts with the content on social networks.

That’s it the digital eco-magazine in Austria with the widest reach. What makes it special is its independence. For the design of COMÚN Media, a foundation company of COMÚN, is responsible. No advertising can be placed on the platform; any paid collaboration is always based on editorial independence.

Unique selling point “Independent Watchdog”

With we are active in areas, such as food, where there is traditionally a lot of greenwashing and misleading. Large corporations from industry and commerce are sometimes used to buying reporting, but that is not possible with us. We are and will remain the independent watchdogs of consumers and citizens, that is our unique selling pointsays editor Sebastian Bohrn Mena.

In 2024, the cross-sectional topics of climate & biodiversity as well as the area of ​​forest & wood will also be given new focus. The agricultural perspective and people in rural areas should also be better represented. Basically, of course also as a bridge builder between consumers and producers and would like to promote mutual understanding in this sense.

Questions & Contact:

COMÚN Foundation, +436607038864,

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