Land of hammers or hammocks?  |  3e trade

1. LET’S DOIT DIY report about the craftsmanship of Austrians

Wels (OTS) A recent study commissioned by LET’S DOIT, which was led by the renowned market research institute IMAS, provided insights into the DIY trends of the Austrian population. Over a period from the beginning of January to the beginning of February 2024, 1,025 citizens aged 16 and older were surveyed about home improvement using face-to-face interviews. The results of this comprehensive survey, which is considered representative of the whole of Austria, are impressive and show a clear trend towards active participation in home improvement projects.

Get involved yourself and make a difference

80 percent of the Austrian population think it is important to lend a hand and get involved. The brand name “LET’S DOIT” proves to be particularly suitable for DIY projects because it has great activation potential. The study also reveals that do-it-yourselfers feel proud and satisfied when they have created something and that they are happy about this success. Nevertheless, there is also a certain insecurity regarding one’s own technical skills. While 40% of respondents feel capable of doing so, a quarter are undecided. 32%, on the other hand, do not feel competent enough. 62% of men rate themselves as very competent or competent, while only 20% of women rate themselves in these two categories. Coupled with the frequency of activities carried out – most of the mentions included hanging pictures, mowing the lawn, cutting bushes and painting interiors – the level of competence in these activities also increases. In general, the question arises as to whether basic school training would be useful for everyday manual work, since a third of those surveyed consider themselves to be inexperienced in manual work.

Tool as a “life-stage partner”

The study also shows that there are an average of nine tools in an Austrian household that are on average 7.5 years old. This tends to be a long period of time for a new purchase to indicate that the purchase of tools is a significant decision in the life cycle. The motivation for buying tools is primarily to only buy (new) when something is broken and to pay particular attention to quality, advice and value for money. If you look at the battery trend in tool and garden motor equipment, which has increased significantly in recent years and has already overtaken petrol or cable-operated machines in some ranges, you have to be aware that newer products have already skipped several development stages during this period have. “A cordless screwdriver that I bought 5-7 years ago can no longer keep up with the performance and technological advances of a current device. The same is true with cordless lawn mowers or hedge trimmers and chainsaws“ says 3e board member Mag. Franz Koll. “The performance, coupled with the convenience for the user, makes it much easier to use, so that the satisfaction and pride in what has been created clearly outweighs the problem and you don’t have to worry about heavy, unwieldy equipment“Koll is convinced. Among the tools most commonly found in Austrian households, the hammer comes first, followed by pliers, the ruler, the screwdriver and the drill, confirming Austria’s reputation as the “land of hammers”. This first insight into Austria’s DIY culture shows the population’s willingness to actively participate in projects and take on challenges. It will be exciting to see how these trends will develop in the future.

Questions & Contact:

3e Trading and Services AG
Verena Ortner
PR and corporate communications
+43 7242 753 651

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