“kulturMontag” about Lagerfeld, Bruckner and Vienna Festival Weeks

According to the magazine: Festival week documentary “The Vienna Process”

Vienna (OTS) Clarissa Stadler welcomes you to a “kulturMontag” about Anton Bruckner and Karl Lagerfeld on June 10th at 10:30 p.m. on ORF 2 and discusses the Vienna Festival Week premiere of Florentina Holzinger’s “Sancta” with ORF-TV culture director Martin Traxl. The documentary “The Vienna Process” (11.30 p.m.) will then be on the program during the festival weeks.

Kaiser Karl: Die Mini-Serie „Becoming Karl Lagerfeld“

Five years ago, Karl Lagerfeld, probably one of the greatest in the fashion world, died, and with him a legend. He was a fashion czar, photographer, filmmaker, publisher – and yet, above all, he remained a mystery. Playing with truth and lies, he spent his life reinventing himself. But why? The fact that fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld did not have an easy start to his career and had to fight against many prejudices is now highlighted in a streaming miniseries entitled “Becoming Karl Lagerfeld”. Daniel Brühl embodies the young fashion designer on the way to world fame. “kulturMontag” watched the series.

The sound makes the music: Anton Bruckner is alive

On behalf of Norbert Trawöger and his team from the first Upper Austrian KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024, unusual projects are being created in this year’s Bruckner year that reinterpret his cosmos just in time for the composer’s 200th birthday. The ten-piece electric guitar ensemble NoFive dedicates itself to the famous guitar riff of the White Stripes, which actually comes from Bruckner’s Fifth Symphony. David Wagner’s experiment is dynamic. This year, the Graz musician is cycling completely unmotorized, equipped with a helmet camera and field microphone, throughout Upper Austria. At Bruckner locations he collects audio recordings of short motifs from the nine Bruckner symphonies on video and uses them to create a nine-minute music film. Sound artist Peter Androsch came up with something magical. In his mysterious “Klangwald” project, ten Bruckner symphonies sound as a continuum through stretching and repetition. Markus Poschner, chief conductor of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, is currently working with the RSO Vienna on a CD edition of all Bruckner symphonies in various versions. He is also a live guest in the studio.

Radical adrenaline junkie girl: Florentina Holzinger at the Vienna Festival

With her radical performances and explosive performances, Florentina Holzinger is causing a stir and recognition in the theater world. The “Berserker” has struck again with her first musical theater creation. “Sancta” is based on Paul Hindemith’s one-act play and tells the story of a nun who experiences brutal punishment for her sexual self-determination. Hindemith’s premiere in 1922 already caused a scandal – and even now the chances of this happening seem to be quite good. Holzinger’s theme is people who free themselves. Loud and excessive, funny and cathartic, she wants to challenge religious conventions with her version of “Sancta” and at the same time attempt to renew them. Her experiment, in which she and an ensemble of opera singers, sex workers and body modification artists examine the distortion of female identity and bodies in religious systems and rites, premiered in Schwerin and is now appearing at the Vienna Festival. After the premiere, Martin Traxl analyzed how the production was received in a conversation with Clarissa Stadler.

According to the magazine: “The Vienna Trial” (11:30 p.m.): After Moscow, Zurich and the Congo, the new director of the Wiener Festwochen Milo Rau is now also giving the city of Vienna its show trials. Tatjana Berlakovich’s documentary observes the course of the first weekend of the trial. The documentary also provides insights into the two other processes.

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