“Krems University Talks” on governance and transformation

“Krems University Talks” on governance and transformation

Under the motto “Navigating Future Universities”, the University of Continuing Education Krems held the first University Dialogue Krems on September 5, 2024. On board the MS Vienna, experts from German-speaking countries presented forward-looking theses on governance at universities. Exciting discussions with the also top-class audience illuminated the topic from a variety of perspectives.

With the Center for University Governance and Transformation and the only professorship for university research in Austria, Dkfm. Dr. Attila Pausits, the University of Continuing Education Krems has ideal conditions for establishing the new forum to further think through questions of university development. “With the ‘Krems University Talks’, we as a university are making a contribution to further expanding the social effectiveness and performance of universities and the science system,” says Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer, Rector of the University of Krems for Continuing Education. Renowned experts from the university and innovation landscape were offered an inspiring setting on a Danube boat trip to address questions about governance and transformation that go beyond day-to-day operational business.

Perspectives from top-class experts

Particular attention was paid to a multi-perspective approach that took into account findings from university and science management as well as those from philosophy, psychology and sociology as well as the practical experiences of people with leading positions in universities. The wide spread of invited experts on the podium and in the audience led to exciting insights. Univ. Prof. Dr. Maria-Sibylla Lotter, Ruhr University Bochum, and Dr. Irina Nalis, Vienna University of Technology, formulated theses on the academic culture of discussion and the need for governance for transformations.

Univ.-Prof.em. Antonio Loprieno of the University of Basel and visiting professor of Egyptology at the University of Bonn, the expert for politics, strategy and organizational development at universities and former member of the Austrian Science Council Dr. Sybille AM ​​Reichert and Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer, Rector of the University of Continuing Education Krems , spoke about dealing with knowledge in the digital space, the relationship between networks and institutions and the benefits of a strategic framework compared to a rigid strategy.

In the session “The Governance of Transformation” Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt, President of the University Rectors’ Conference in Germany until 2023, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans, German Center for University and Science Research, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ottfried Jarren, University of Zurich, and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hölscher, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. Their theses revolved around governance outside of times of crisis, value-based governance, the pressure of digitalization towards new organizational structures and profile building in new public governance.

Renowned participants from the science system

The composition of the audience reflected the diversity of the university sector very well. From Austria, for example, came Dr. Veronika Sexl, Rector of the University of Innsbruck, techn. hc Sabine Seidler, former Rector of the TU Vienna and President of the Austrian University Conference until 2023, Mag. Werner Wutscher, MPA, Chairman of the University Council of the University of Klagenfurt, and Dr. Thomas König, Managing Director of the FORWIT Council. The universities of Vienna and Graz, the Vienna University of Economics and Business as well as the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna and the Medical Universities of Vienna and Graz were also represented, to name just a few. The field of technical and teacher training universities was represented at a high level, as were the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Institute for Advanced Studies, the Association of Industrialists and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). The international perspective was brought in by representatives of the European University Association, the University of Kassel, the Braunschweig University of Technology and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences (HSLU), among others. Mag. Thomas Estermann, who has worked for the European University Association (EUA) in Brussels since 2007 and is head of the Governance, Financing and University Policy department, presented concrete ideas for discussion on how skills development for decision-makers, such as university councilors, could be designed.

Theses and further perspectives

The focus on theses led to concise statements and opened up space for a lively exchange of ideas at the forum organized by the Rectorate of the University of Continuing Education Krems, the Department for University Research and the DLE Communication and Science Editorial Department. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Viktoria Weber, Vice Rector for Research and Sustainable Development at the University of Continuing Education Krems, took over the welcome and thematic introduction to universities and their governance. Mari Lang, ORF, and Univ.-Prof. led the day. Dkfm. Dr. Attila Pausits, Head of the Department for University Research at the University of Krems for Continuing Education. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Peter Parycek, MAS MSc, Vice Rector for Teaching/Scientific Continuing Education and Digital Transformation (CDO) at the University of Continuing Education Krems, made connections to the integration of technology, especially artificial intelligence. Univ. Prof. Dr. Ruth Mateus-Berr, University of Applied Arts Vienna, approached the topic of control in her artistic intervention “Crtl”. The first volume of the new series “Kremser Theses” was also presented, which is intended for further reading and in-depth reading and is available both in book form (Passagen Verlag) and as an open access publication. The blog on also offers space for a further reflection on topics of university governance.

More information:

Open access link to the book “Future. Universities. Society”, “Kremser Theses” series (edited by Burkert, Campbell, Pausits ​​and Westa, 2024):

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