KPÖ and links opened their election campaign this morning with a rally at Reumannplatz in Vienna favorites. Activist: Inside from all districts of Vienna, they have gathered to demand a social Vienna loudly and unmistakably. “The SPÖ will go through the finish line as an election winner. It is important that after the election in the local council there is an annoying social opposition that looks at the city government and consistently advocates cheaper rents and an affordable life,” said the top candidate Barbara Urbanic.
The 200 activists: After the rally on Reumannplatz, they went to their districts to get into conversation at information stands and at the front -door talks with the Wiener: inside. Urbanic: “The goal for this election campaign is to knock on 30,000 apartment doors in order to talk to the Viennese: inside about their realities of life, the problems of urban politics and how KPÖ and the left will do better”. There were also numerous candidates at the rally: inside for the district representatives. The alliance is on the ballot in all 23 districts. Since the last election, the alliance has already been represented with 23 district council: inside in 15 different districts. The number of district heroes: Inside, KPÖ and links want to double.
As part of the rally, the top candidates symbolically reduced energy bill. KPÖ and links go to the election campaign with the demand for an energy circuit for all Viennese: inside. Anna Svec, third of the list: “Vienna Energie belongs to the city of Vienna. It is time that a company that belongs to Viennese: inside also works for us instead of making record profits at our expense”.
Photos of the campaign start to find here.
Press spokesman on the left
Benjamin Traugott
Telephone: +43 650 182 22 11
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | LKS