Kogler/Gewessler/Stoytchev congratulate Meri Disoski as an impressive re -election as chair of the green women Austria
Vienna (OTS) –

Werner Kogler, club chairman and federal spokesman for the Greens, congratulates Meri Disoski, women’s spokeswoman for the Greens in Parliament, who was today elected with impressive 96 percent as chair of the Green Women: “I congratulate Meri Disoski on the high level of encouragement. Europe -wide right -wing and massive attacks on hard -won progress is needed strong green women’s policy.

Disoski also congratulates the deputy federal spokeswoman Leonore Gewessler, who has opened this year’s federal women’s conference: “The fact that in 2025 hard -won women’s rights will be attacked again. Rights and right -wing extremists want to take their self -determination, freedom of choice and their visible place in politics, economy and society. Get up and use us reliably for an equal life for women in different situations.

Angela Stoytchev, federal manager of the Greens, adds: “This great result is a well -deserved confirmation for Meri Disoski’s work in recent years. During the Green Green Participation, Meri Disoski as a member of the National Council made a major contribution that there was considerable feminist progress. Whether in the expansion of violence protection, in the fight against hate in the field of women’s health Disoski has achieved great improvements on the inside.

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