Kickl/Steger on the EU Return Act: From the Leyen Commission including Brunner, the patron saint of illegal mass migration remains! “
Vienna (OTS) –

EU migration commissioner Magnus Brunner today presented his proposal for a new return law in Strasbourg. FPÖ federal party chairman and club chairman NABG. Herbert Kickl sees this an ineffective pillaring pill for the population with whom illegal mass immigration continues: “Where tightening is on it, there is a ‘further as before’. It takes a complete system change instead of the usual ‘patch shower’. Less than every fifth illegal asylum who has received a negative asylum notice including the return order, is actually deported, while at the same time thousands of new illegal immigrants flock to Europe every day. This catastrophic system moves Europe to the abyss from security to the social sector and a completely inadequate return line will not change this! It takes more than ever a ‘fortress Europe’ with a consistent asylum stop – it starts with that. And as long as this is not guaranteed, the ‘Fortress Austria’ with its 23 measures must be the goal of putting a stop to the ‘new migration’. ”

“The Brussels system neither implements the Dublin rules as a central point that only provide for asylum applications in the first European Recording Meland, nor are pull factors reduced in a targeted manner. In addition, procedural centers outside the EU have no mention and the establishment of return centers outside the EU is only optional. However, these would be overcrowded within a very short time, since the Leyen, Brunner and Co. have still not enforced the urgently needed return agreements. In the presented draft of the return guideline, sanctions against states that refuse to withdraw their illegal asylum seekers are intended at Visa level, but there is no question of a stop at the development aid and all other support payments, ”also criticizes the freedom-related EU MP Petra Steger, who is a member of the committee for bourgeois freedoms, justice and interior.

“The fact that the fundamental will is missing to carry out deportation and to stop the illegal mass immigration also shows, for example, the lack of returning offensive of Syrian asylum seekers or scandalous confession to the ECJ judgment, which all Afghan women in Europe are entitled to asylum,” Steger continues.

“There can be no question of a real turnaround – that of the Leyen Commission including Brunner remains a patron saint of illegal mass migration. In addition, it must be stated that even the best deportation system is of no use if, at the same time, more and more illegal immigrants flow to Europe, which is why the consistent protection of the EU external borders is essential for the future of European identity and the safety of the population, ”confirmed FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NABG. Herbert Kickl concluded.

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