Jon Stewart Daily Show: Warning with humor: Jon Stewart returns to the Daily Show

Jon Stewart Daily Show: Warning with humor: Jon Stewart returns to the Daily Show

Jon Stewart

Photo: dpa/Evan Agostini

When Jon Stewart’s satirical news show “The Daily Show” was a hit on Comedy Central in the noughties, he liked to accuse his fans – today we would call them followers – of often just lacking their political education would receive from him. He’s not doing anything serious. Nevertheless, in an increasingly polarizing US media society, he became one of the most trustworthy news sources, at least for young leftists.

In 2015, after 16 years in the moderator’s chair, he made room for younger people. The now 61-year-old New York comedian then made films and successfully worked as a part-time lobbyist for rescue workers from September 11th who were dying of cancer and for war veterans who were in danger of being abandoned by the US Congress. Even in his show, he always took the side of the small, hard-working people – just like his musical idol Bruce Springsteen. Different genre, same target group. Now Stewart slips back into his star role once a week on the “Daily Show,” which now has a collective of alternating presenters in front of the cameras. His followers are delighted.

The situation is even worse today than it was 20 years ago. Many young people believe they can get political education from online influencers, who, unlike Stewart, often don’t have fact-checkers behind them. It is precisely in this group that the fear of a second election for Donald Trump is shockingly low. In this respect, it is no wonder that Stewart is returning now of all times and wants to play the funny admonisher and enlightener again. One can only hope that he is successful with it too.

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