Joint declaration: Hamburg and Vienna intensify cooperation in the area of ​​psychosocial care |  City vienna

Vienna (OTS) In the future, the cities of Vienna and Hamburg will exchange their experiences more closely on issues of mental illness and dealing with addicted people, especially in public spaces. The Hamburg social authorities and the city of Vienna, represented by the coordinator for psychiatry, addiction and drug issues, determined this in a declaration signed by both sides. The focus of the cooperation is on questions of psychosocial care for people in both megacities as well as access and use of public spaces.

Hamburg’s Social Senator Melanie Schlotzhauer: “Caring for people with mental illnesses or addictions poses major challenges, especially in large cities. With the partnership-based exchange of experiences on psychiatric and psychosocial care that has now begun, both sides can learn and benefit from each other in order to be able to better help those affected. We place a particular focus on helping mentally ill and addicted people in public spaces.”

Ewald Lochner, coordinator for psychiatry, addiction and drug issues for the city of Vienna: “The major cities of Vienna and Hamburg are similar in many ways. The health challenges that the two cities have to face are also not dissimilar. So it only makes sense to exchange ideas intensively here and learn from each other.”

Peter Hacker, Vienna City Councilor for Social Affairs, Health and Sport: “The number of people with mental illness – particularly among young women – is increasing across Europe. Of course, these diseases do not end at the respective city borders and it is therefore only logical that Hamburg and Vienna rely on international cooperation. Learning from each other and exchanging one’s own experiences are essential building blocks for a common goal: to make life in the city worth living for everyone – all the more so when they are currently in a difficult phase of their lives.”

Existing exchanges will be continued

At the beginning of the cooperation there were already mutual delegation visits. In the declaration that has now been signed, both sides emphasize that access to public spaces must be available to all users. People in need of help and addicts need support, which is why a special focus is placed on caring for mentally ill people. Above all, the focus is on outreach social work and the offers and best possible networking and coordination of people working in public spaces. In addition, the two cities want to cooperate more closely in psychiatric and psychosocial care and focus on exchanging innovative offers and forms of treatment.

Questions & Contact:

Hamburg social authority
Press office
Tel.: +49 40 428 63 2889
Email: press

Office of the Coordinator for Psychiatry, Addiction and Drug Issues of the City of Vienna
Mag. Markus Stradner, press and public relations
Telwfon:+43 1 4000 53598
Mobil: +43 676 8118 53598

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