Islamic religious community in Styria condemns statements by FPÖ Federal Councilor Leinfellner at a school in Graz

Vienna (OTS/IGGÖ) The Islamic Religious Community of Styria expresses deep concern about the statements made by FPÖ Federal Councilor Markus Leinfellner during a discussion event on the EU elections at BORG Dreierschützengasse in Graz.

The claim that people who eat pork are less likely to blow themselves up is not only extremely offensive, but also dangerous. It reveals a deep-rooted hatred and prejudice against Muslims and also implies a devaluation of other religious minorities such as Jews, whose religious principles also prohibit the consumption of pork. Leinfellner’s accusation of a connection between Muslims and suicide bombings is a gross distortion of reality and a dangerous oversimplification of the complexities of human behavior. Terrorism is not tied to religious affiliation, and blaming an entire religious community for the actions of individuals is irresponsible and unacceptable.

The fact that such statements were made within a school is scandalous. The good and welcome intention of schools to promote education for democracy must not be abused by such racist and factually completely unqualified statements by a politician invited to a panel discussion. Schools should be places of learning, tolerance and respect. Ultimately, it is revealing when a politician assigns the mandate as set out in the objectives of the Austrian school in the sense of education “Openness to the political, religious and ideological thinking of others” (Article 14 Paragraph 5a B-VG) is grossly reversed.

The IGGÖ school authority is in close contact with the affected school. Together we are interested in reassuring the students and pedagogically processing them.

The FPÖ politician’s statements are also a quote from one Inn signfor which the landlord had to publicly apologize after heavy criticism.

As the Islamic Religious Community of Styria, we therefore demand a similar apology from Federal Councilor Leinfellner and concrete measures from the FPÖ in order to avoid such incidents in the future and to combat latent racism within the party.

Questions & Contact:

Mehmet S. Celebi
Chairman of the IRG Steiermark

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