Invitation: Photo campaign for protection against violence: Wed, March 6th, 9:15 a.m., Women’s Ministry Vienna |

Invitation: Photo campaign for protection against violence: Wed, March 6th, 9:15 a.m., Women’s Ministry Vienna |

Femicides: “Women’s Minister Raab must not go back to the agenda – over 45,000 people demand better protection from violence”

Vienna (OTS) In the run-up to Women’s Day on March 8th, the NGO #aufstehn is organizing a photo campaign to draw attention to the recent femicides. “On behalf of over 45,000 signatories, we symbolically stand in front of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, with a clear demand to Minister Raab: stop eyewashing – take violence prevention seriously and implement real protection against violence,” said Maria Mayrhofer, #aufstehn managing director. Please register at


Photo campaign for protection against violence in front of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs

– Interview opportunity with Maria Mayrhofer, Managing Director #aufstehn
– A several meter long signature roll is unveiled, disguised activists illustrate the minister’s “see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing” attitude.

Datum: March 6, 2024, 9:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m

Ort: in front of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs
Minoritenplatz, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Questions & Contact:

Flora Bachmann
Campaigner #standup

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