INTEGRI Prize Winners 2024 Awarded |  CompuGroup Medical CEE GmbH, June 17, 2024

Austrian Prize for Integrated Care

Using innovative IT technology, CGM supports the economic efficiency of the healthcare system. Our corporate claim ‘Synchronizing Healthcare’, like the concept of integrated care itself, stands for the targeted collaboration of all those involved in the healthcare system. The common goal of continually improving patient care and at the same time making the healthcare system more economical underlies CGM’s commitment to integrated care

Andreas Augeneder, CGM Sales Manager

Vienna (OTS) The INTEGRI – Austrian Prize for Integrated Care was awarded for the seventh time on the evening of June 13, 2024. The award ceremony took place as part of the 14th Austrian Health Industry Congress in Vienna’s Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen in front of more than 450 congress participants.

Every two years, the INTEGRI honors those organizations and people who meet the changing requirements for a functioning healthcare system using innovative models of integrated healthcare and thus make a positive contribution to improving the healthcare system in Austria. The Austrian Prize for Integrated Care was jointly awarded in 2011 by CompuGroup Medical (CGM) and the INTEGRI-Initiativforum brought to life. Since the premiere year in 2012, the jury has now evaluated a total of 129 submissions. According to the jury, the submissions for INTEGRI 2024 were once again of remarkable quality. Ultimately, the three prize winners were determined in a two-stage jury evaluation process.

The following initiatives were awarded the INTEGRI 2024:

Category “Integrated care with a broad impact”:
Prize winner: Lower Austrian Health and Social Fund
Initiative: “Dementia Service Lower Austria”
Reasons of the jury: “The evaluated project “Dementia Service Lower Austria” of the Lower Austrian Health and Social Fund is an existing, well-established and well-known offer that fits into the Austrian dementia strategy and – since it has already been evaluated and further developed – can serve as a best practice example. It stands on the pillars dementia hotline, personal advice, outreach service, advice, consultation hours in the ÖGK “Info Points”, information and awareness-raising events, dementia day, website and networking of stakeholders. The jury appreciates the comprehensive networking of the sectors in this submission and players in the healthcare system, the professional process-oriented roll-out and thus the broad effectiveness of the activities of the Lower Austria Dementia Service with the aim of increasing the number of quality years of life, improving care and reducing costs in the longitudinal course of the disease.”

Category “Integrated care across sectors”:

• Prize winners: Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltengesellschaft mbH
• Initiative: “Outpatient Case Management (ACM) – Bridging Outpatient Clinic at LKH Graz II”
• Reason of the jury: “The aim of this project, which has already proven itself in real operation and has been evaluated, extended and expanded after several years of piloting, is to close the gap in the care of acute psychiatric patients at the transition from acute outpatient care to the office setting. Relapse rates The jury highlighted patient orientation, the optimization of overarching key processes, the high demands on process management and operational organization, the careful networking of the care areas and the practical successful implementation of the “outpatient” strategy as special features of this intersectoral project before stationary.”

Category “Innovative care concepts”:

Prize winner: Institute House of Mercy
Initiative: “Child care domicile FRIDOLINA”
Reasons of the jury: “This project in implementation closes the care gap in the care of children and young people with complex chronic and life-limiting illnesses between at home (with the support of mobile services) or in acute inpatient facilities. These often had years of accommodation in hospitals with disadvantages for those affected As a result, the health system FRIDOLINA offers children and young people a home with 14 care places and a living area with 24-hour care in order to create a living space for them, far away from intensive care units and everyday hospital life, in which they can grow up and despite highly specialized care and therapy The members of the jury awarded the INTEGRI 2024 to this initiative because it proves how interdisciplinary collaboration and cooperation between health and social services with many network partners from different sectors can create a best practice example of innovation in care.”

The awards ceremony

The INTEGRI award ceremony was moderated by Mag. Roland Schaffler (among others editor-in-chief of QUALITAS, Springer Verlag). Erwin Jobst and Andreas Augeneder (CompuGroup Medical) gave insight into the meaning and the reasons for initiating it at the time, as well as the future direction of INTEGRI. Together with INTEGRI jury member Dr. Susanne Herbek presented the coveted INTEGRI glass sculptures by the renowned Tyrolean glass artist Robert Comploj to the award winners.

Using innovative IT technology, CGM supports the economic efficiency of the healthcare system. Our corporate claim ‘Synchronizing Healthcare’, like the concept of integrated care itself, stands for the targeted collaboration of all those involved in the healthcare system. The common goal of continually improving patient care and at the same time making the healthcare system more economical underlies CGM’s commitment to integrated care“, says Andreas Augeneder (Sales Manager CGM).

About Integrated Care

The topic of “integrated care” can be found in almost all strategies, concepts, plans and agreements on the future of the Austrian healthcare system. As an order, to provide a customer, client or patient-oriented service on a division of labor basis. At the same time, this complex service should involve the patients’ social environment, the sectors, organizations and professional groups that are needed: ideally from prevention to rehabilitation to palliative care. A high standard in theory – even more so in practice.

About CompuGroup Medical (CGM)
CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading e-health companies worldwide and generated annual sales of 1.19 billion euros in 2023. Software products for communication and support of medical and organizational activities in hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies and laboratories serve a safer and more efficient healthcare system. The basis of CGM services is the unique customer base with over 1.6 million software users in outpatient and inpatient healthcare facilities. With locations in 20 countries and products in 60 countries worldwide, CGM is an e-health company with the largest reach among healthcare providers. Around 9,000 CGM employees provide sustainable solutions to the ever-growing demands in the international healthcare markets.

Questions & Contact:

CompuGroup Medical (CGM)
Ing. Mag. Walter Zahler
Project manager INTEGRI
Lindengasse 8, 4040 Linz
T +43 (0) 664 8415897


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