Innovatively and actively shape your life after your career

Innovatively and actively shape your life after your career

The participants in the course “Active in old age, Shaping 2024 together” presented their projects at the end of June and received their certificates.

State of Salzburg (OTS) The course “Active in old age – designing together” has ended. In the first half of 2024, the participants developed practical, everyday projects for the social participation of older people and presented them on the final day at the end of June in St. Virgil in Salzburg.

Education is important for young and old

The projects presented by the participants range from book clubs, podcasts, gardening, cooking, yoga to first aid courses especially for seniors and are mostly already in the implementation phase.

Keynote Speaker Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland was pleased that the participants not only wanted to do something for themselves with their project ideas, but that the idea of ​​community was at the forefront for everyone.
In his lecture he provided impulses for the “old and young” discussion. He emphasized education for older people as particularly important for society: “Because with education you can bring generations together and create understanding for each other.“

Belonging and self-efficacy

Course leader Danielle Bidasio emphasized how important belonging and self-efficacy are in old age. Developing projects means building networks in the brain and also social networks: “As you get older, it’s best to think about the future“, she confirmed.

Federal Councilor Dr. Andrea Eder-Gitschthaler and City Councilor KRin Hannelore Schmidt, Katrin Reiter as project manager from the Salzburg Adult Education Association and the Salzburg Educational Advice Network as well as Dir. Mag. Jakob Reichenberger from St. Virgil as hosts were pleased about the successful course.

Sabine Kroy moderated the event.

The course was funded by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and supported by the state of Salzburg and the state capital of Salzburg. The innovation course “Active in Old Age” was implemented by the Educational Advice Network and the Salzburg Adult Education in cooperation with St. Virgil, the Catholic Education Works, the Salzburg Education Works and the University of Vienna.

Questions & Contact:

Mag.a Daniela Bayer-Schrott
Tel. 0660/1726297
Educational advice network Salzburg
Strubergasse 18/2
A-5020 Salzburg

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