Innovation and practice up close |  VTA Austria GmbH, June 17, 2024

Successful 1st Environment Day in Schönberg: Innovation and practice up close

The 1st Environment Day 2024 of the market town in Schönberg in cooperation with the Austrian group VTA was an exciting event full of innovations Ideas and lively discussions. The KUK Schönberg was transformed into a hotspot for experts from science, industry and administration who exchanged ideas about the sustainable use and treatment of wastewater.

Made the start Prof. Dr. Raimund Brotsack from the Deggendorf University of Technology with a visionary lecture on green gases as the key to the future of our energy systems. His ideas impacted the audience and set the tone for the rest of the day.

PD Dr. Michael Seidel from the Technical University of Munich followed with a fascinating presentation about new methods for analyzing pathogenic germs and viruses in wastewater. His innovative approaches promise to revolutionize the way we deal with health risks.

Dr. Bertram Kuch from the University of Stuttgart impressed the audience with his findings on the elimination of trace substances (drug residues and industrial chemicals) in wastewater. This research is critical to protecting our environment and ensuring water quality.

Gripping panel discussion

An absolute highlight was the panel discussion, moderated by the charismatic Katrin Hinterreiter. In the midst of the debates, Werner Troiber, the committed mayor of Markt Ruhmannsfelden, and Andreas Gabriel, MSc, head of the VTA Institute for Health and Environment, provided gripping discussions and in-depth insights into the practical challenges and innovative solutions of wastewater treatment. The central topic was particularly exciting: The liquid engineering process of the VTA “Nanocarbon – the evolution in bio-physics” – replacement of the 4th cleaning stage and the required elimination of trace substances according to the EU municipal wastewater directive, which far exceeds the product. The second fascinating topic – How is energy generated from wastewater? The VTA Group presented a revolutionary solution that already caused a sensation at the 4GameChangers Festival: VTA Hydropower. With this innovation, the wastewater treatment plant, once a major energy consumer, can be operated energy self-sufficiently.

Practical demonstrations and networking

Jürgen Murr from the Schönberg sewage treatment plant showed how the VTA Liquid Engineering process revolutionized the efficiency of wastewater treatment. Dr. Andreas Lenz from BVS Munich spoke about the future of environmental engineering professions and emphasized the importance of solid training.

How do you save costs and energy with VTA’s liquid engineering process?

The Schönberg sewage treatment plant offered participants the opportunity to see state-of-the-art technologies in practical operation. The live demonstrations on site were an absolute highlight and the guests gained valuable practical insights.

Guests on site:

Among the top-class guests and speakers from various universities who enriched the event were:

  • Martin PichlerFirst Mayor of Markt Schönberg
  • Helga WeinbergerDeputy District Administrator, Freyung-Grafenau
  • Marie-Therese Raggernature conservation specialist, Freyung-Grafenau District Office


The Environment Day 2024 in Schönberg was an impressive example of how innovation and collaboration can shape the future of the water industry. The event offered a unique platform for the exchange of ideas and practical solutions, which impressed the participants.

After this very exciting 1st Schönberg Environment Day, this will certainly not have been the first and last event by the market town of Schönberg in cooperation with the company VTA. Martin Pichler, First Mayor of Markt Schönberg, spoke about the future planned specialist symposiums with the VTA Group.

Save The Date – 12th Kitzbühel Water & Energy Symposium

16.-17.October 2024

Burning topics:
Climate, energy, CO2 balance,
Replacement of the 4th cleaning stage & introduction of hydropower
– the crucial future issues.

more information at

or directly to the registration link below:

Datum: October 16, 2024, 9:00 a.m

Ort: Kitzbühel, Austria


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