Inheriting and passing on: Generation 45+ sees high inheritance tax as the biggest burden

Civey survey commissioned by Liechtenstein Life (PHOTO)

Schaan (ots) Germany – country of heirs. Around 400 billion euros are inherited or given away in this country every year, as estimates by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and the Economic and Social Sciences Institute (WSI) show. The generation aged 45 and over is particularly concerned with one issue when it comes to regulating their own estate: what the state earns from the inheritance. This is shown by a representative online survey by the opinion research institute Civey on behalf of the insurer Liechtenstein Life.

The answers from a total of 2,500 German citizens aged 45 and over show: 59.3% of those surveyed find it important that their heirs have to bear a low tax burden when regulating their own estate. More than ten percentage points fewer (48.4%) want less bureaucratic effort when inheriting assets. The intention not to pass on debt comes third at 44.6%. Multiple answers to the question were possible.

Those who have children are particularly sensitive to the topic of taxes: 67.3% of those surveyed with children in the household think that a low tax burden for their heirs is important. For comparison: in childless households the figure is 58.7%. Differences also become apparent when it comes to professional status. For senior employees, a low tax burden for heirs is a priority (65.2%), much more often than for employees (56.7%) or workers (54.7%).

Despite good intentions, many inheritance disputes often end up in court. Nevertheless, impending conflicts are often ignored by many people. Only 14.4% are very or somewhat worried that inheritance disputes could arise in the family. 69.6% of those surveyed said they had little or no worry. The situation is different in households with children: Here, 21.8% say that they are very or rather very worried that conflicts could arise in the family in the event of an inheritance.

“High payments to the tax authorities, a lot of bureaucracy and disputes can be a major burden for those affected in the event of an inheritance,” says Stephan Bruckner, Senior Sales Representative for Liechtenstein Life. “Special fund-based life insurance solves many problems that can arise when inheriting today: On the one hand, assets can be transferred to heirs in a tax-optimized manner. There is also a lot of flexibility and no bureaucracy: neither a notary nor a will or certificate of inheritance are necessary; the presentation of the death certificate is sufficient Payout. The sum can be paid out directly, usually without delay. The beneficiary does not even have to be the official heir.

Last year, Liechtenstein Life launched a so-called generation insurance or whole-life insurance called Liechtenstein Life Wealth on the German market, in which insurance benefits can be individually configured and designed to be tax-optimized for inheritances or gifts. The policy for innovative asset and estate management has significantly contributed to the company’s growth and success in Germany.

About Liechtenstein Life

With forward-looking solutions for return-oriented private pension and wealth planning, Liechtenstein Life Assurance AG is committed to the financial independence of its customers – throughout their lives and across generations. The company was founded in 2008, based in Schaan, Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein Life’s extensive investment universe is closely linked to its products and provides access to globally renowned investment managers. Liechtenstein Life consciously focuses on ESG funds and thus specifically contributes to environmentally and socially conscious financial solutions. The company belongs to the digital financial group the prosperity company AG, which currently employs over 120 people.

About the survey

Civey wrote for Liechtenstein Life from May 24th. 2,500 people aged 45 and older were surveyed online by May 31, 2024. The results are representative due to quotas and weighting, taking into account the statistical error of 2.5 percentage points in the respective overall result.

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