In the new EU strategy paper, the climate suddenly no longer plays a role:

Climate hysteria – a completely fact-free political agenda?

If further proof were needed: this EU is at an end in all respects and also morally.

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

Under the title “My Agenda for Europe”, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen put the European Green Deal at the top of her “Political Guidelines for the Future European Union 2019-2024” in 2019. Therefore be “Building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe” is the EU’s ultimate goal – with all the consequences. But now there is a welcome change of heart, which at the same time tears the mask off the EU’s face:

We all felt and feel von der Leyen’s climate agenda and its consequences: constant increases in the CO2 tax and thus in the prices of goods and energy, the overexploitation of wind turbines in our forests, the e-car madness, the ban on combustion engines, a looming kerosene tax, which makes vacations more and more expensive and leaves behind many more horrors from von der Leyen’s politics. But now it turns out: the bottom line is that all threatening disaster scenarios were probably exaggerated, invented and lies – this is the conclusion you have to come to if you go through von der Leyen’s list of priorities for the years 2024-2029 that was leaked in the run-up to the EU elections. Because it’s mainly about foreign policy, defense, rearmament, security and migration. Climate change almost no longer plays a role – despite years of media-driven climate panic and the inevitable end of the world.

The only mention of “environment” in the new strategy paper is that the EU wants to create a “business-friendly environment” – whatever that means. No more 1.5 degree target, no bans, no climate tariffs – nothing: “What now? “Isn’t the world going to end after all, as we were predicted just a few months ago, are we not going to dry up or drown in the foreseeable future?” asks LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman, in astonishment. “There is no other way to put it: we were all deceived and made fools of. Suddenly the climate no longer plays a role. Instead, the next media mess is being driven through Europe. Once again it’s about which sector of the economy you can make the most money in. After Corona and the climate, it is now obviously warmongering.”

It is now obvious that “Flinten-Uschi” will probably have to forego her climate project for her second term in office, which she is so eager to achieve. In April 2022, von der Leyen reaffirmed her determination to implement her “Green Deal” without any ifs or buts. There is no sign of that anymore – true to the motto “I don’t care about yesterday’s principles”. Until recently, “even the war and the pandemic were of less importance than the climate challenge,” said von der Leyen in an interview with the Belgian magazine “Wilfried”. Or to put it another way: It’s always about money, that’s always in the foreground. “Whoever pays creates, von der Leyen throws all principles overboard for the election. “It was not about the common good in either 2019 or 2024. All parties and the media are once again playing a part,” says Joachim Aigner.

This development has been observed again and again in recent years – the “deadly” Corona epidemic also disappeared into thin air from one day to the next, despite the same or even higher number of infections than during the lockdowns. One could almost laugh at it if all this madness hadn’t consumed hundreds of billions of euros. Conclusion Joachim Aigner: “If further proof were needed: this EU is at an end in all respects and also morally.”

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