Impressive track record of the nationwide cycling campaign ‘Austria cycles’: around the world 820 times for the environment

Impressive track record of the nationwide cycling campaign ‘Austria cycles’: around the world 820 times for the environment

“Around 61 percent of all car journeys are shorter than 10 kilometers – an ideal distance for an electric bike. More and more people in Austria are seeing this cycling potential, which is why the number of participants in ‘Österreich radelt’ has increased by 10 percent compared to the previous year. An impressive, active contribution from all participants to climate protection and an energy-efficient transport system – because every bike ride counts!”

BMK General Secretary Herbert Kasser

Vienna (OTS) The country’s largest cycling challenge, “Österreich radelt”, is ending its season this year with impressive record results: between March and September 2023, almost 40,000 enthusiastic participants cycled more than 32.8 million kilometers in 703 companies, 624 communities, 236 clubs and 164 educational institutions returned. This outstanding achievement not only means sporting success, but almost 5,800 tonnes of CO2 were saved through these cycling trips, which have replaced potential car journeys.

In a celebratory ceremony on December 7th in the ballroom of the Climate Protection Ministry (BMK), the top performers among the communities, companies, clubs and educational institutions were honored as federal winners by Secretary General Herbert Kasser, Thomas Gerhardt from the Chamber of Commerce and woom CEO Paul Fattinger.

Herbert Kasser, Secretary General of the BMK, is impressed by the commitment: “Around 61 percent of all car journeys are shorter than 10 kilometers – an ideal distance for an electric bike. More and more people in Austria are seeing this cycling potential, which is why the number of participants in ‘Österreich radelt’ has increased by 10 percent compared to the previous year. An impressive, active contribution from all participants to climate protection and an energy-efficient transport system – because every bike ride counts!”

“Every bike ride counts!” – motto and formula for success of the campaign

The “Austria cycles” campaign motivated people to get on their bikes across the country from March 20th to September 30th, 2023 – whether to go shopping, to work, to school or on vacation. On or the kilometers cycled are entered in the app. Exciting campaigns – from “Austria cycles to work” to “Austria cycles to school” to “summer cycling” – provided additional incentives, with participants having the chance to win bicycles, e-bikes, folding bikes and bicycle accessories. Together, the almost 40,000 participants completed an impressive 32.8 million kilometers by bike, which corresponds to a total distance of more than 820 trips around the world and a CO2 saving of almost 5,800 tons.

Keep cycling while winter cycling

Although the main campaign of “Österreich radelt” has come to an end, cycling continues: “Winter cycling” will take place until February 11, 2024, in which participants will be motivated to stay active even in the colder months using bike raffles and competitions Making cycling a winter sport.

The main campaign of “Österreich radelt” will start again in spring 2024. Interested companies, communities, clubs and educational institutions can already register now Register and continue your enthusiasm for cycling.

Federal winner Austria will cycle in 2023

Municipalities with up to 2,000 inhabitants:

  • 1. Platz: Andlersdorf (NÖ)
  • 2nd place: Rohrenbach (Lower Austria)
  • 3rd place: Kaunertal (T)
  • Newcomer of the year: Redleiten (Upper Austria)

Communities with 2,000 to 5,000 inhabitants:

  • 1st place: Pucking (Upper Austria)
  • 2. Platz: Sillian (T)
  • 3rd place: Municipality of Schwarzenberg (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the year: Grafenegg (Lower Austria)

Communities with 5,000 to 15,000 inhabitants:

  • 1st place: Höchst (Vbg)
  • 2nd place: Wolfurt (Vbg)
  • 3rd place: Götzis (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the year: Neustift in the Stubaital (T)

Communities with over 15,000 inhabitants:

  • 1st place: Stockerau (Lower Austria)
  • 2nd place: Lustenau (Vbg)
  • 3rd place: Hohenems (Vbg)

Companies with up to 10 employees:

  • 1st place: Rosman Data Quality (Bgld)
  • 2nd place: plan&rat partner (Vbg)
  • 3rd place: Giselbrecht gates and doors (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the year: Dekoparadies (Bgld)

Companies with 10 to 50 employees:

  • 1st place: Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (T)
  • 2nd place: Erdbau Josef Rass (T)
  • 3rd place: Tyrolean embroidery – St. Johann in Tirol (T)
  • Newcomer of the year: Municipality of Doren (Vbg)

Companies with 50 to 250 employees:

  • 1st place: Energy Institute Vorarlberg (Vbg)
  • 2nd place: Bischofberger Transporte GmbH (Vbg)
  • 3rd place: Stadtwerke Wörgl (T)
  • Newcomer of the year: Amag CMI (Upper Austria)

Companies with over 250 employees:

  • 1st place: Dornbirner Sparkasse Bank AG (Vbg)
  • 2. Platz: ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH (Ö)
  • 3rd place: Raiffeisen Landesbank Vorarlberg with Auditing Association eGen (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the year: PSD Vienna (W)

Clubs with up to 50 members:

  • 1st place & newcomer of the year: RCM Michlfarm Korneuburg (Lower Austria)
  • 2nd place: Rad Sport JA Korneuburg (Lower Austria)
  • 3rd place: Lame crank, wet throat (Vbg)

Clubs 50 to 200 members:

  • 1st place: Union Radclub St. Margarethen (Lower Austria)
  • 2nd place & newcomer of the year: Kneipp Aktiv Club Stockerau (Lower Austria)
  • 3rd place: Imst cycles (T)

Clubs with 200 to 1,000 members:

  • 1st place: Austrian Heart Association – Burgenland Regional Association (Bgld)
  • 2nd place: Senior Citizens’ Association Neumarkt (Upper Austria)
  • 3rd place: RV Dornbirn (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the year: Naturfreunde Asten (Upper Austria)

Association with over 1,000 members:

  • 1st place: SPORTUNION Stockerau (Lower Austria)
  • 2nd place: Vorarlberg Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (Vbg)
  • 3rd place: Austrian Water Rescue – Vorarlberg Regional Association (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the year: Environment 5+ (Upper Austria)


  • 1st place: Göllersdorf Music Middle School (Lower Austria)
  • Newcomer of the year: MS Grafenegg (Lower Austria)


  • 1st place: FH Vorarlberg (Vbg)
  • Newcomer of the Year: Catholic Private University of Linz (Upper Austria)

Related Links

Photos of the awards event:

Questions & Contact:

Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Samson Sandrieser-Leon
Press spokesman for the Federal Minister
+43 1 71162-658022

Press service “Austria cycles”, Himmelhoch PR
Helena Hochleitner
+43 680 2360742

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