Impact Lech 2025 is dedicated to the future of mobile people

Startup founder: Inside, top manager: Inside and Expert: Inside from various disciplines, the “Future of Mobile People” will discuss at Impact Lech 2025, including the starting trainer and Champions League winner Jürgen Klopp, the Olympic champion Lindsey Vonn, Oscar Prize winner Stefan Ruzowitzky, the scientist of Sigrid Stagl, the virologist Florian Krammer, the astronaut Carmen Possnig, the psychologist Thomas Müller and the migration researcher Gerald Knaus.

What impact, which “impact” have current knowledge and developments on daily life, our work, our society? This question forms the leitmotif of the renowned symposium “Impact Lech”, which the geneticist and success author Markus Hengstschläger launched in 2022 with Lech Zürs Tourism. The fourth edition of the congress, which focuses on the “Future of Mobile People” in the Hotel “Gasthof Post” and on a hut, takes place from June 12th to 15th, 2025.

“In addition to many other aspects, we will particularly shed light on certain focuses: sustainable forms of mobility, movement and health, the current challenges regarding migration, the impact of AI on internationalization and mobility in the world of work as well as the question of how to find employees in the future”explains organizer and director Markus Hengstschläger. “I am really pleased that the explanations of top -class experts: inside the fields of science, economy, industry, medicine, psychology, startups, culture and sport will serve as the basis for lively discussions in the beautiful ambience of Lech.”

Top -class guest list
The topic of mobility data and the question of an ethical handling of AI and the data of the mobile person are the AI ​​expert Alexandra Ebert (CTO des Startup MOSTLY AI), Sebastian Tanzer (Founder and CEO of the startup triply) and the expert in global migration of talents Johann Harnoss (Harvard University, BCG, TED Speaker) mit Patricia Neumann (CEO Siemens Austria) and Jochen Borenich (Board of Directors Cancom).

The topics of electromobility and sustainable passenger and freight traffic are among others Hauke ​​Hinrichs (CEO Smatrics), Hermann Stockinger (Founder and CEO of the startup Easelink), Petra Dobrock (Founder and CCO of the startup Byrd) and Silvia Angelo (Attendant ÖBB). In a conversation with the CEO of Verbund AG Michael Strugl the question of energy for sustainable mobility is investigated.

The aspects of environmental management, climate protection and mobility transition are in lectures and contributions to the discussion of Margaretha Gansterer (University professor, environmental management and logistics), the current scientist of the year Sigrid Stagl (University professor, eco-economist), Axel Dick (qualityaustria), Valerie HackL (Managing Director Gasconnect Austria), Robert Machtlinger (CEO FACC, aviation industry) and Michael Strugl (CEO Verbund AG) discussed. The future of the aerospace is the focus of the lectures of Appeal kayser-pyzalla (University professor, CEO of the German Aerospace Center) and and Carmen Possnig (Doctor, replacement astronaut of the European space organization).

Panel discussions with Silvia Angelo, Henrietta Egerth (Managing Director FFG), Karin Exner-Wöhrer (CEO Salzburg Aluminium Group), Sabine Herlitschka (CEO Infineon Austria), Andreas Klauser (Ceo Palfinger), Robert Machtlinger, Karl-Heinz Strauss (Ceo porn), Peter Room (Board of Directors Post), Volker Viechtbauer (Redbull), among other things, will focus on the current role of the EU and the impact of internationalization and mobility in business and industry.

The migration researcher Gerald Knaus (Founding Chairman, European Stability Initiative) will speak in Lech about the current challenges in the field of migration, Silvia Angelo and Peter Room About those in connection with the question “How do you find the talents you need in the company?”. Jochen Borenich, Heike Dorninger (Managing Director BCG), Martin Schiefer (Slate lawyers) and Andreas Klauser will exchange ideas about the future of skilled worker and competence mobility and the impact of AI on mobility in the world of work.

A highlight of “Impact Lech” are thoughts of the director and Oscar winner Stefan Ruzowitzky form internationality and mobility in art and culture. During the virologist Florian Krammer (University professor of vaccine science, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York and MedUni Vienna) in Lech on the topic “The mobile man and the spread of pathogens” highlights psychologist and profiler Thomas Müller The willingness of man to change.

Special highlights form live video talks on the aspects of movement, training, sports and health with star football coaches Jürgen Klopp (UA German and English champion and cup winner, Champions League winner, club world champion) and with the Olympic champion and world champion Lindsey Vonn.

All information about “Impact Lech 2025”:
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