Illness: flu or “flu-like infection”?

Illness: flu or “flu-like infection”?

I’ve been dealing with the flu this past week. Actually, I still have it.

Are you sure it’s the flu and not a flu-like infection?

Suspected viral flu, said the doctor. So my question is: What is the difference between the flu and a cold?

The common cold is usually relatively harmless. It primarily affects the upper respiratory tract of those affected. You usually have a cough and a runny nose and are hoarse. All kinds of pathogens can cause a cold. When it comes to the flu, however, the influenza virus is the culprit. The fever also goes up quicker. The virus can also attack important organs. For example the heart or the lungs.

That’s probably why the flu is so dangerous, right?

Correct. This can quickly become life-threatening. That is why it is recommended that certain risk groups get vaccinated against flu every year.

Who is in the risk groups?

People over 60, for example, because statistically they have a higher incidence of previous illnesses. Older people often have problems with blood pressure, heart, circulation, etc. The risk group also includes chronically ill people and pregnant women.

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Small children usually don’t have any
Pre-existing illness. So they’re fine?

Not necessarily, because they have a “naive” immune system that is practically unaware of any pathogens. However, an infection usually occurs without major complications. However, in daycare and school they often come into contact with pathogens, which their parents then often catch.

What can you do against the flu? The doctor told me to inhale and drink a lot.

You can only treat the symptoms. For example, you can relieve headaches and body aches with tablets or combat coughs with tea and juice. The immune system has to deal with the virus itself. Very few viral diseases have an efficient causal therapy. Drug treatment was also sought for the coronavirus. With rather moderate success. However, medication can be used to prevent a virus from replicating itself. This has been achieved, for example, with the AIDS virus. But often with side effects.

Keyword: Corona. We all know the rapid tests that we have been doing all the time for a while. Is there a similar test to detect the flu?

It exists, but has only been available for free since this year. But I can’t remember doctors using something like that across the board. Usually, some of the general practitioners and pediatricians report influenza cases to the Influenza Working Group at the Robert Koch Institute, so that we know approximately how badly the current flu wave has spread.

That was also the case during the peak phase of Corona.

The difference is that the coronavirus is relatively new. It has only spread from the animal kingdom to humans in recent years. The influenza viruses, which also occur in birds and other mammals, are forever old. Over the past 150 years, it can be said with certainty that several waves of influenza have swept through the Western world. And in this respect, the immune system of most healthy people is adapted to this. Especially since there have been vaccinations against flu for decades. However, the flu virus is constantly changing, so new vaccines are needed every year.

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