Ignorance: Green State Council wants to feed more solar power into grids through “expansion”.

The fact is: solar and wind energy makes power grids highly unstable

Hand in hand, the ORF and the Green State Councilor Kaineder massively embarrassed themselves on December 5th. On that day, apparently in the wake of the energy transition and climate hysteria, a courtesy article was published in which the Green State Council was allowed to demand an “expansion of the power grid”. Because this means you can “feed in more solar power”. Apparently everyone involved doesn’t understand: excess electricity endangers the grid and cannot be destroyed. More cables don’t help either.

On December 5th, the ORF announced in the article “Too much electricity: feed-in stop for PV systems” that by the end of 2024 in the summer more solar power from photovoltaic systems would be fed into the grid than could be consumed. As if there were a technical solution for this, Kaineder can then grandly call for “network expansion”. However, a fourteen-fold (!) increase in funding amounts in 2020 would be far too little; the expansion of the electricity network in Upper Austria would have to be further accelerated.

The ORF continues to fulfill its role as the mouthpiece of the Greens; there was no journalistic thought or questions to be found. Something like this is probably not intended for reports about green ideological castles in the air.

The ORF reproduces completely absurd green ideological musings on the extremely critical issue of energy supply without any research or questions. -LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-

The truth is: The proliferation of photovoltaic and wind turbines makes every power grid extremely unstable, as it is difficult to estimate how much electricity will be fed in where and when. The wind doesn’t always blow and there is only sun during the day – and that is not guaranteed. In the end, for each of these supposedly “green” systems, a conventional gas or coal-fired power plant must be built at the same time, which compensates for the loss of wind and sun in a matter of seconds. This also means higher electricity prices for end customers.

Electric power cannot be stored sensibly based on current technology – to date, the only economical solution is pumped storage systems. Only a few of these useful devices are available – new projects can take up to 20 years. What’s much worse is that surplus electricity cannot be easily destroyed. This either has to be regulated (and still paid for) or it needs customers who, for example, use the electricity to operate devices. So if it is now announced that there is too much electricity available from PV systems, this is a serious problem for which a sensible network expansion can only be part of the solution.

What use is an expansion of the power grid supposed to be if too much electricity is fed in? You can’t destroy electricity, the Greens urgently need basic training. -LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-

Because additional high-voltage lines do not change the problem: There is sometimes too much wind and PV electricity and often no consumers – neither in the private nor in the industrial sector (e.g. the sunny Sunday afternoon). Unexpected feed-in peaks from PV and wind can cause massive instabilities in the power grid and lead to dangerous blackouts. Internationally, it is now the case that excess electricity from the green energy transition leads to additional costs in some places – because potential buyers even have to pay for this electricity to be purchased.

The green environmental state council should learn from the ground up what electricity is, how electricity is generated and transported and what circumstances can endanger a country’s power grid. Once again it is clear that the Greens are predominant in their knowledge that electricity comes from the socket – and if you build more sockets, then more electricity would be usable. These fever dreams on the backs of taxpayers must urgently be stopped. Such additional training would also be strongly recommended for ORF editors. The MFG is happy to provide qualified experts for such lectures.

Security of supply must be taken into account in any energy policy. Blackouts due to ideological experiments negligently endanger human lives. -LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-

The fundamental problem is that the EU’s planned economy guidelines are implemented unquestioningly by the state of Upper Austria in a planned and command economy manner. The supply does not match the demand. The green-left energy fantasies are based on theoretical sandbox games instead of being based on reality. This is also called lump stupidity.

The MFG party is in favor of offering a sensible mix of energies – with Upper Austria in a very advantageous position due to hydropower. All energy policy measures must ensure a stable supply for consumers. The MFG rejects ideological experiments in which companies that are friends with politicians are given preference. Overall, politics must serve the interests of the people – instead of forcing extremist utopias on the population.


ORF article from December 5th: https://ooe.orf.at/stories/3235337/

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