“I played because of, 10 for 1 ‘and won, 20 for 30′”

EuroDreams, the latest international game in Europe, is likely to be a “good floor” for Austria. In the previous year, three of the eleven main prizes in Austria were achieved, and the first of this year two winners of 20,000 euros net per month for 30 years (low) Austria. And he actually wanted “only” 10,000 euros …

“I actually only played because there were these exclusive Austria promotion with 10,000 euros a month for one year,” the winner, who had made his only tip on the Win2day game page, amazed in a first reaction, “and now it’s 20,000 The euro has become, and for 30 years. I didn’t pack it at first. “

And this “not packing” was also the reason why he took a few days before he had registered with the Austrian lotteries. He won on February 3. Yes, he would be a regular customer, said the pensioner standing in a community, “I actually only play with Lotto and Euromillions. And EuroDreams if there is also something to win. “

He also has many ideas about what wishes he wants to meet with this monthly additional income. He knew how to deal with money, also with a lot of money, “but rather because of my professional past, and less because of private wealth,” he laughed, but still does not want to do without advice from the high profit supervisor of the Austrian lotteries.

With his ideas, the Lower Austrian hits the notch exactly, for which the profit structure at EuroDreams is intended with the monthly installment payment. As with his partner, for example, further indulge in his desire to travel, just on another, a higher level: “A little further away than before, for example to Australia. And since we will fly business class and no longer consider whether three or four star hotel, but simply book a five-star hotel. And we will really eat exquisite more often and whether dessert or not, we no longer make it dependent on the budget. “

After all, he also thought, like so many other winners: inside, too, to those people who are not so favored by happiness, and will also provide a donation to one or the other social or humanitarian institution.

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