Human Rights Committee: Current discussion with Foreign Minister Schallenberg

MPs discuss Hamas terror, Ukraine, Schengen, asylum and institutions

Vienna (PK) Shortly before the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10th, the Human Rights Committee together today. The Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg answered questions from MPs in a current debate. The MPs discussed compliance with human rights in the crisis regions of the world – from Israel to Ukraine and Afghanistan to Venezuela – but also issues such as asylum and Schengen. Nothing that has been achieved in Europe is fundamentally secure, said Schallenberg with regard to the global human rights situation. In view of a “bloom” of disinformation and fake news, it is important to ensure access to reliable sources. Schallenberg announced the consequences of artificial intelligence on human rights as an upcoming focus of his department.

Hamas terror “medieval pogrom”

On October 7th, Hamas committed a breach of civilization in a “medieval-like pogrom”. The suffering that this caused was enormous. It is important to work towards the unconditional release of the hostages, to prevent the conflict from spreading and to ensure humanitarian support for the people in Gaza.

With regard to humanitarian aid in Palestinian areas, the Foreign Minister pleaded with Faika El-Nagashi (Greens) to continue it, but to link it to political expectations and a distancing from terror. Harald Troch (SPÖ) found the evacuation of all Austrians from the Gaza Strip positive. In view of the “carpet bombs”, all two million people should be brought out, he said. Martin Engelberg (ÖVP) found the comparison with “carpet bombs” to be “unacceptable”. War crimes would be committed by Hamas. Israel has the right to defend itself in the face of continued rocket attacks by Hamas. Without the destruction of Hamas, there will not be what “we all want”: a two-state solution, concluded Engelberg.

In view of Hamas’ daily rocket attacks, it is not yet time for a longer ceasefire, Schallenberg also told Stephanie Krisper (NEOS). Such a move would only help Hamas. However, unlike Hamas, Israel is doing everything it can to avoid civilian casualties.

The Foreign Minister told Susanne Fürst (FPÖ) that it is difficult to say how much support Hamas has among the population in the Gaza Strip. However, from his contact with families who were evacuated from Gaza, he could say that they would give “zero” support to Hamas. Without Hamas they could continue to live in peace in Gaza.

Schallenberg emphasized that he was glad that the UN Secretary General had announced an investigation into sexual violence and rape.

Ukraine: Supporting people in the second winter of war

In Ukraine, the Russian war of aggression continues unabated and the people are facing the second harsh winter of war. They would not only need humanitarian support, but also the certainty that there would be no impunity for crimes. He assumes that Ukraine is better prepared for winter than last year. In any case, Austria will help Ukraine if it is necessary, said the Foreign Minister to Stephanie Krisper (NEOS).

Afghanistan: Austria continues humanitarian support

The Foreign Minister emphasized that Afghanistan was thrown back into the Middle Ages by the Taliban and women were deprived of their rights. Austria is continuing its humanitarian aid; this is its duty. To ensure that the aid arrives, we work with international organizations and the department checks accordingly. The focus of the projects is particularly on supporting girls and women, said Schallenberg to Martin Engelberg (ÖVP), Petra Bayr (SPÖ), Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic (Greens) and Faika El-Nagashi (Greens). In this context, Bayr, Ernst-Dziedzic and El-Nagashi also supported the Vienna Process, in which Afghanistan’s opposition exchanged views on a possible democratic future.

Iran: Human rights are being trampled on

Iran is still on a course of confrontation and human rights are being violated, Schallenberg told Melanie Erasim (SPÖ). A current report by the human rights organization Amnesty International is shocking, according to which Iran is systematically using sexual violence against demonstrators as an instrument of intimidation. This should be condemned, stressed Schallenberg.

Situation in Ethiopia and Venezuela

According to Stephanie Krisper (NEOS), Schallenberg found the cooperation with Ethiopia to be important due to its important position in the region.

Schallenberg told Meri Disoski (Greens) that current reports that Venezuela’s President Maduro wants to declare most of the neighboring country Guyana a province are a distraction from domestic problems that should be clearly condemned.

Fake news and disinformation: protecting journalists is important

What the Hamas terror and the war of aggression against Ukraine have in common is a “bloom” of fake news and disinformation, explained Schallenberg. It is therefore important to protect those who ensure access to secure sources, said Schallenberg, referring to journalists and civil society. Schallenberg regretted that the number of imprisoned journalists worldwide has currently reached a new negative “record value”.

Schengen and asylum system must be improved

In the meantime, 40% of the Schengen states have reintroduced border controls because the system is not working, said Schallenberg in response to the questions from Harald Troch (SPÖ) and Stephanie Krisper (NEOS) about the Austrian veto against Romania and Bulgaria joining Schengen. Austria is the biggest supporter of the Schengen system, but improvements are needed. The minister emphasized that this was not aimed at Romania and Bulgaria.

It is currently not legally possible to carry out asylum procedures in third countries, the minister told Melanie Erasim (SPÖ) and spoke out in favor of such an option due to the “deterrent” effect. Schallenberg emphasized that a system is needed in which people who need protection receive asylum.

Institutions: UN, OSCE and European Court of Human Rights

The federal government is doing everything to “screw up” the candidacy for the UN Security Council and Austria only has a few friends left, said Harald Troch (SPÖ), with reference to Austria’s veto against the Schengen accession of Romania and Bulgaria as well as the rejection of a humanitarian ceasefire in Palestine. Austria has positions, but these will have no impact on the candidacy for the UN Security Council – this is going well, replied Schallenberg Troch.

The Foreign Minister emphasized the importance of the OSCE to Robert Laimer (SPÖ). However, the existence of the OSCE hangs by a “thin thread”. Schallenberg Susanne Fürst (FPÖ) reported that he met Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov at the request of the OSCE to discuss exclusively a personnel package with him.

Regarding the replacement of judges at the European Court of Human Rights, Schallenberg reported to Petra Bayr (SPÖ) and Nikolaus Scherak (NEOS) that a public tender had been made. A high-ranking selection committee is currently examining the seven applications received. A three-way proposal should be available by the end of the year. Scherak spoke out in favor of more transparency in the appointment.

Other topics: human rights symposium, persecution of Christians, LGBTIQ rights and Kurdish associations and espionage

On the thirtieth anniversary of the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993, his department organized a human rights symposium in June, reported Schallenberg Kira Grünberg (ÖVP). Human rights actors from various areas discussed current and future challenges and best practices in promoting and protecting human rights.

The Foreign Minister told Gudrun Kugler (ÖVP) that there was an increase worldwide against the rights of Christian minorities. His department supports the relevant UN resolution on religious freedom.

The Foreign Minister emphasized to Mario Lindner (SPÖ) that the actions of states like Russia towards LGBTIQ people should be condemned as a clear violation of human rights. This position will also be discussed and presented in international forums.

Regarding media reports that Turkey was freezing the assets of clubs abroad because of alleged connections to the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Schallenberg told Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic (Greens) that he did not know the club in question in Austria. If there were suspicions about the PKK, the public prosecutor’s office would take action due to the ban in Austria.

When asked by Stephanie Krisper (NEOS) about digital espionage by diplomatic missions in Austria, Schallenberg said that this was being closely monitored and that appropriate measures would be taken if necessary. (Concluding Human Rights Committee) pst

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