HOSI Vienna welcomes motion for a resolution on HIV prevention

HOSI Vienna welcomes motion for a resolution on HIV prevention

“Free and low-threshold access to PrEP is a game changer,” explains chairwoman Ann-Sophie Otte. “Now we hope for rapid implementation.”

PrEP has been proven to be a highly effective way to prevent infection with HIV by 99%. What makes it all the worse is that it is currently a matter of wallet as to who gets this protection

Ann-Sophie Otte, chairwoman of HOSI Vienna

Vienna (OTS) HOSI Vienna welcomes the proposed resolution on low-threshold and free access to PrEP. “On World AIDS Day, we are pleased about this important step to combat the HIV virus in Austria,” says Ann-Sophie Otte, chairwoman of HOSI Vienna. “Free and low-threshold access to PrEP is a real game-changer in the fight against HIV. That’s why we welcome the cross-party motion for a resolution from the ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and NEOS, which advances a long-standing demand of HOSI Vienna and the LGBTIQ community.” Numerous activists have worked for this for years: “Our thanks go in particular to Aids Hilfe Vienna , which has been doing important preparatory work and persuasion work for years.” Just this spring, HOSI Vienna took part in the Aids Hilfe Vienna “Fancy PrEP!” campaign.

PrEP has been proven to be a highly effective way to prevent infection with HIV by 99%. What makes it all the worse is that it is currently a matter of wallet as to who gets this protection“, says Otte. “In youth work at HOSI Vienna, we have seen the problem for years that young queer people often cannot afford this medication. In the best case scenario, people who want to protect themselves face costs of €45.90 per month and, on top of that, examinations by HIV specialists that they usually have to pay for themselves. This is simply too expensive for many, especially in the current economic situation. And that is absurd, because ultimately every avoidable infection means many times more costs for the health insurance companies if HIV then has to be treated.”

For over 30 years, World AIDS Day has drawn attention to the rights of HIV-positive people and called for people to live together without prejudice or exclusion. HOSI Vienna hopes to be able to reduce prejudices against people with HIV by increasing information about the disease. “One of the central problems that people with HIV suffer from is the so-called ‘social AIDS’, i.e. the misconceptions and stigmas that they are constantly confronted with in everyday life, which extends to the refusal of important services,” explains Otte .

And Otte continues: “The signal of a cross-party motion for a resolution is all the more important here. We would like to thank the contributing members of the National Council for their work. Because health is not a question of party, sexual orientation or gender identity, but of humanity. That’s why most countries in Western, Central and Northern Europe already cover the costs of PrEP and have had excellent experiences with it. It remains to be hoped that the federal government and in particular Health Minister Johannes Rauch will quickly take care of implementation.”

Questions & Contact:

HOSI Vienna
Tel.: +43 660 2166605



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