“Home, Foreign Home”: Open promises in ethnic group politics

On March 3rd at 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Ajda Sticker presents “Heimat Fremde Heimat” on Sunday, March 3rd, at 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Open promises in ethnic group politics
In its government program, the Turquoise Green government has set itself the goal of strengthening minority rights. The joy among ethnic group representatives was great. But the legislative period is coming to an end soon and criticism is now being raised because there are still some construction sites in ethnic group politics. For example, the bilingual district judiciary is on the verge of extinction, according to critics. Sabina Zwitter reports.

Guest in the studio: Member of the National Council and Green Party General Secretary Olga Voglauer

Yenish remind us of the history of persecution
The history of the Yenish people is marked by exclusion and persecution, but also by the development of a special language and cultural diversity. Jenische in Austria now want to create more awareness of this history with a new virtual archive. The archive is intended to document the times of persecution under the Nazi regime, child abduction and forced sterilization, but also provide insight into the culture of the Yenish people and their fight for recognition as an ethnic group. A report by Sabina Zwitter.

How Croatian disappeared from Marchfeld
Thousands of people from Marchfeld once spoke Croatian, in some villages the majority even spoke it. But unlike in Burgenland, the language is extinct in Lower Austria. The background has now been extensively researched by the University of Vienna. A report by Tobias Mayr.

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