“Holy House” about renaturation, the EU elections and radicalization

On June 2nd at 12 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Rebekka Salzer presents the ORF parliamentary magazine “Hohes Haus” on Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 12 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Tips the scales

The EU law on restoring nature stipulates that more forests will be reforested, moors will be rewetted and rivers will be restored to their natural state. After long negotiations, it was passed in the EU Parliament in a weaker form that took into account many of the earlier criticisms, such as a possible threat to food security. However, the final approval by the EU Council of Environment Ministers is still pending. Austria, which has so far abstained, could play a decisive role at the next EU Environment Council in mid-June. The federal states are currently blocking approval. However, if the states’ statement is repealed, Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler wants to vote for the renaturation law against the will of her coalition partner ÖVP and the majority of the peasantry. Susanne Däubel reports.

The guest in the studio is ÖVP agricultural spokesman and Farmers’ Association President Georg Strasser

EU election 2024

Next week, more than 350 million EU citizens eligible to vote will be able to elect their representatives for the European Parliament. It is the only EU body that is directly elected. Austria sends 20 of the 720 representatives. The more than six million eligible voters can choose candidates from seven lists to run. David Moidl and Marcus Blecha provide information about what tasks await the MPs, how the citizens’ representatives in Strasbourg and Brussels work and how the election works.


This week Bärbel Bas, the President of the German Bundestag, was in Vienna. The Social Democrat belongs to the left wing of her party and has been the successor to the now deceased Wolfgang Schäuble for two and a half years. In discussions with National Council President Sobotka, both complained about the increasing radicalization of the language, the aggressiveness and the drifting apart in society. Claus Bruckmann was there and conducted an exclusive interview with Bärbel Bas.

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