“Holy house” about a billion-dollar insult

On April 14th at 12 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Rebekka Salzer presents the ORF parliamentary magazine “Hohes Haus” on Sunday, April 14, 2024, at 12 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Billionaire shame

No matter how much the investigative committees are criticized, they always reveal surprising things. This week, in the committee of inquiry set up by the ÖVP into the “red-blue abuse of power,” ex-Health Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein stated that the billion in patient care promised as part of the social security reform was simply marketing wording. According to a 2022 Court of Audit report, the reform cost 215 million euros instead of bringing the promised savings of one billion. The allocation of advertisements by the FPÖ-led Interior Ministry was also a topic in the committee, whose most prominent invitee was former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl. Marcus Blecha is our committee observer.

Espionage affair

In the espionage case surrounding the now imprisoned former BVT employee Egisto Ott, new details come to light almost every day. In addition to Ott, ex-Wirecard boss Jan Marsalek and Martin Weiss are also involved. Weiss, former head of the espionage department in the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Combating Terrorism BVT and Egisto Ott’s direct superior, has now moved abroad. In order to shed more light on this darkness, the National Security Council met again after a long time. And this unprecedented case is also taking up more and more space in the Red-Blue Abuse of Power Investigation Committee. Susanne Däubel summarizes the recent events.

In the studio, Rebekka Salzer asks pollster Peter Hajek how U-committees and the espionage affair affect the public.

Council Republic

There are more than 1,600 European local councils in Austria. Its task is to bring the EU closer to the community’s citizens and make them aware of funding opportunities. A large meeting took place in Vienna this week at which EU local councilors were able to examine the parties’ leading candidates for the upcoming EU parliamentary election. Claus Bruckmann was there.

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