“Hohes Haus” about Austria’s youth: conservative and not very confident

On March 10th at 12 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Fritz Jungmayr presents the ORF parliamentary magazine “Hohes Haus” on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 12 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Conservative and not very confident

Since 1988, the responsible government member has presented the “Report on the Situation of Youth in Austria” once per legislative period. The current report was discussed this week in the Family and Youth Committee and discussed with experts. Austria’s youth are currently very conservative in their values ​​and are not very confident about the future. Particularly explosive: Only a third of those surveyed still trust the political parties. At the same time, voices from the ÖVP and FPÖ have recently been raised to reduce the criminal responsibility of young people. Does that create more trust?
Marcus Blecha reports.

Claudia Plakolm, State Secretary for Youth Affairs and Community Service Agendas, is in the studio.

The family doctor of tomorrow

The comprehensive supply network with general practitioners in Austria is becoming increasingly widespread. The number of general practitioners has been decreasing for many years because more and more doctors are choosing to become specialists. At its last plenary session, the National Council unanimously decided to upgrade the profession of family doctor. A new subject “general medicine and family medicine” with five years of specialist training and an extensive practical component is being introduced. The new medical training starts on June 1, 2026. Anyone who is already in training at this point can switch to the new specialist. Fritz Jungmayr reports.

Change in the public housing system

The government would like to hand over special competence to the states. The awkwardly formulated goal is: “Transnationalization of the public housing system”. This means that any vacancy tax can be set by the states and will be significantly more expensive. The vacancy tax is a type of penalty for those apartment owners who do not rent out their apartment but do not need it for themselves or use it for work soon. Critics of this measure say that this amounts to partial expropriation. Claus Bruckmann looked at the matter.

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