“Hohes Haus” about a hot phase and a dull finale

Guest on ORF 2 on May 26th at 12 p.m.: Green MEP Thomas Waitz

Vienna (OTS) Rebekka Salzer presents the ORF parliamentary magazine “Hohes Haus” on Sunday, May 26, 2024, at 12 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Hot phase

The EU election campaign is entering its heated final phase. And so the National Council also addressed the issue of the EU in its last plenary week before the vote. There was a current Europe lesson from the FPÖ with the title “Stop EU madness” and the NEOS wanted to counter this with an urgent question to Economics Minister Kocher about the positive effects of EU membership for Austria. In the Current Europe Hour, EU representatives from the parties also had their say. The EU election campaign for the Greens has become dramatically more difficult since then. The affair surrounding the top candidate Lena Schilling and the defense strategy of the federal Green party leadership make new headlines almost every day. Susanne Däubel reports.

In the studio is Thomas Waitz, EU MP and number two for the Green Party in the EU Parliament.

Final Flaues

After being threatened with being brought before the police, the insolvent founder of the Signa real estate group, René Benko, appeared in parliament on the last day of the COFAG-U committee meeting. As expected, Benko, citing numerous investigations against him, declined to testify on many questions – or said he had no memory. The committee of inquiry into the “red-blue abuse of power” ended on Thursday without any further information. Agency boss Thomas Sila didn’t come. He was actually supposed to be presented to the police, but he wasn’t available. Marcus Blecha on the finals of the two investigative committees.

Education in numbers

This week Statistics Austria published the latest figures on education in Austria. This shows something familiar: education is still inherited, which means that if parents have a lower level of education, the child is more likely to only complete compulsory school; if at least one parent has a university degree, more than 60 percent of the child will also complete one Obtain a university degree. Now there is another factor: What educational and career opportunities do children who hardly speak German have? Claus Bruckmann asked around from science, the AMS, apprentice trainers and the teachers’ union.

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