“Heimat Fremde Heimat”: Migrant and queer: minorities in cabaret

On June 23rd at 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON

Vienna (OTS) Marin Berlakovich presents “Heimat Fremde Heimat” on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON with the following topics

“Guest worker route”: Dangerous route to the holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner and today, as then, thousands of travelers want to go to their old homeland at the same time as the holidays begin. That was also the case 50 years ago, but with significantly increased strain in the sheet metal avalanche on the so-called guest worker route, which meandered from Germany via Austria to the south. The Spiegel, for example, wrote about a “death road to the holidays”. For the “Heimat Fremde Heimat” series “People Came,” Mia Harwanegg and Jakob Steiner followed in the footsteps of this hellish ride.

Human rights violations at the EU’s external border

On the one hand, people from crisis regions: They are politically persecuted and come from war zones. On the other hand: fear of being overrun. The EU only recently agreed on an asylum and migration agreement. Refugees should, if possible, be stopped before the EU’s external borders. One of them is in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Human rights experts took a look at the border for themselves. They warn against disregarding human rights. Marcus Marschalek was there.

Migrant and queer: minorities in cabaret

In Austria, cabaret is a cultural asset that has been able to cheer up people’s everyday lives for generations, especially in times of crisis. But in recent years, migrant and queer voices have increasingly criticized the jokes that cabaret artists make at the expense of minorities. Samuel Mago reports on whether humor has to hurt and what politically correct humor can look like.

Media project in memory of Gatterer

On the occasion of the memory of the journalist Claus Gatterer, the media project of the ORF minority editorial team, which brings together South Tyrolean finalists of the Claus Gatterer Youth Prize with Austria’s ethnic groups and ethnic communities, is entering its second round. A report by Sabina Zwitter.

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