“Heimat Fremde Heimat” about little Paris in Vienna

On June 30th at 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON

Vienna (OTS) Ajda Sticker presents the ORF magazine “Heimat Fremde Heimat” on Sunday, June 30, 2024, at 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON with the following contributions:

Rocky road to family reunification

For many people, the family is an important source of support that offers security and stability. However, refugees are often separated from their families while fleeing and have to live without them for years. Family reunification is often the only way to be reunited. But the road there is rocky. Adriana Jurić reports.

Guest in the studio: school director Martina Dedic

What became of the children of migrant workers

Even in the 1970s and 1980s, the so-called “guest workers” brought their families to Austria. And even then they faced major challenges. The often difficult school attendance, learning German, cramped living conditions and the desire to “simply belong” – these were the concerns of the “second generation”. But what happened to the children back then? “Heimat Fremde Heimat” addresses this question in the fourth and final part of the series “People Came”.

Little Paris in Vienna

There are currently almost 11,000 French citizens living in Austria, almost 6,000 of them in Vienna. Isabelle Reitbauer spent a day accompanying French people living in Vienna through the Servitenviertel, also known as “little Paris in Vienna”, and shed light on the French microcosm that was already established there. French cafés, multilingual bookstores, artfully designed shops and French private schools exude French flair.

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