Heated debate on the new government and government program

The goals and concerns of the new federal government were also the focus of the debate after the presentation of the government program by the new government leadership in today’s Federal Council. The Federal Council: Inside the ÖVP, SPÖ and NEOS coalition, the measures contained therein emphasized and their effects. The freedoms, on the other hand, criticized the “most expensive government of all time”, the government program found as an ambition without ambition and were “only worse” as before. The Greens, in turn, welcomed the coalition and showed their willingness to constructive cooperation, but also emphasized their critical role as an opposition party.

ÖVP: compromises in challenging times

Every time had been shaped by special challenges, but the recent years had been shaped by special, emphasized Harald Himmer (ÖVP/W). This made it more difficult to make politics. The quality of a government is also characterized by how it deals with underground circumstances. Cooperation with business, science and civil society is important. According to the time of the election campaign, the time of action is now. At the head of the Federal Government, Chancellor Stocker is now a person who comes from the people and would act for this. He has the necessary grip to solve the challenges for this country and people. The voters: inside the FPÖ gave strength, but in politics it is also important to compromise.

Matthias Zauner (ÖVP/Lower Austria) also emphasized the personal skills of Chancellor Stocker and his ability across party borders. In addition, he turned against the criticism of the freedom and described chairman Kickl as “Will-Nnicht-Chancellor”. A majority of the ÖVP, SPÖ and NEOS were taken by Zauner. It welcomes the government program attached to the application and its proposed measures.

The government program includes a clear commitment to Austria, Skyshield and Europe, said Christoph Thoma (ÖVP/V). In the Corona era, “certainly not” everything was done correctly, but the FPÖ would not have done it better either. The Mandatar also criticized the FPÖ claim after the end of the compulsory economic chamber.

The Styrian ÖVP Federal Councilor Günther Ruprecht wished the Federal Government luck for their projects. You have already implemented the stop of the family’s reference. Immigration in this way is heavy on the education and social system and the labor market. Here the federal government is giving a new path.

SPÖ: Wear and dismantle budget deficit

The government is with the former Federal Council: Interior Vice Chancellor Babler, Federal Minister Schumann and State Secretary Eibinger-Miedl “Damn strong” by the Federal Council, Stefan Schennach (SPÖ/W) was pleased with a “government of the Federal Council”. This is confronted with a “more or less dramatic” world situation and is accordingly with inflation, increased unemployment and the economic situation against “huge” challenges. As a positive first measure of the federal government, Schennach emphasized the “rental price lid”. You will now also fight a solution for the free rents with “high pressure”. With the “incredible” budget deficit, it was achieved that this is not only removed on the shoulders of the people. With the bank tax, a first measure was set. In addition, the federal government is committed to an “active neutrality”. Austria is the ideal location to negotiate political crises. With regard to migration, Schennach advocated not always only the problems and uncertainty but the positive aspects.

Gabriele Kolar (SPÖ/ST), which is often precarious in the regions, and emphasized the improvements provided for in the government program, such as the expansion of the lower area, the increase in medical study places or the creation of a care strategy. It is about creating a health system that is there for everyone, regardless of income, place of residence and social status.

The federal government creates a strong social network, especially for women and children, explained Sebastian Forstner (SPÖ/OÖ). This is an investment in the future of the country. Central projects are an maintenance guarantee fund and basic child securing.

The coalition faces responsibility and will lead the country through these difficult times, said Sandro Beer (SPÖ/W).

Democracy needs courage and energy and must be protected, strengthened and constantly redesigned, said Claudia Arpa (SPÖ/K). It is therefore grateful for the initiatives announced by the federal government. The government program also contains important points for women’s policy. Women are still significantly disadvantaged on the labor market. Fortunately, the EU transparency directive will be implemented, which will ensure more justice in salaries. Many women are still affected by violence. Arpa puts its hopes in the announced national action plan.

FPÖ warns of the “Loser-Zampel” of the “Loser-Zampel” stress package

The new government is a “loser traffic light”, criticized Andreas Arthur Spanring (FPÖ/Lower Austria). With it, a “billion -dollar stress package” as well as tax increases and pension cuts would threaten. The government saves here, but not with itself, criticized Spanring the size of the government and spoke out for a “slim and powerful” composition. The announced measures are a “further as before, only worse”. ÖVP and the Greens had increased the debt in the past government, but the SPÖ would have participated in every “grayfulness” and wrong decision. Due to the “EU’s hearing” of the federal government, nothing good will come out in the next few years and the Austrian interests would be sold in Brussels. In addition, Spanring criticized the “completely missed asylum policy” and the sanctions against Russia and climate policy, which have “sustainably destroyed” the economy. He also located a health system driven to the “edge of collapse”. The now “disaster” is due to the “unit party” of ÖVP, SPÖ, Neos and Greens. This “unit party” wanted to prevent a Chancellor Kickl at all costs. The FPÖ was quite ready to compromise in the government negotiations with the ÖVP, but did not want to go into “lazy compromises”.

Michael Bernard (FPÖ/Lower Austria) Missed in the government program of the “most expensive government of all time”, among other things, structural reforms, relief impulses, the removal of constraints and privileges, the stop of illegal immigration, border protection and the renovation of the health system.

In the debate, the freedom also addressed membership in the Chamber of Commerce with two decision -making applications, both of which remained in the minority. Michael Bernard (FPÖ/Lower Austria) campaigned for the abolition of “compulsory membership” in the Chamber of Commerce. Bernard argued that entrepreneurs need entrepreneurs: inside. However, this must be based on the needs and the economic situation of its members and, above all, based on voluntariness, Bernard demanded an “opting out possibility” from the compulsory membership in the Chamber of Commerce. Günter Pröller (FPÖ/OÖ) also campaigned for a complete abolition of multiple mandatory memberships to the specialist groups or specialist associations of the Chamber of Commerce.

Sandra Jäckel (FPÖ/V) spoke of a government of “election losers” and, in addition to savings in the police area, criticized that the EU should be able to process insects as food in the future.

The past few years have been an economic policy disaster and the new government wanted to continue, Manfred Repolust (FPÖ/ST) saw too few ambitions in the government program.

The Federal Government should prevent family reunification to Austria immediately and permanently, Isabella Theuermann (FPÖ/K) demanded

by means of a motion for a resolution that remained in the minority. The corresponding announcements by the new federal government describe the freedoms in the application as “sham measures” and “placebo and show policy”. The population awaits a consistent approach to “political Islam”, emphasized Theuermann. For this reason, the FPÖ started a petition.

“Now we have it, the new government,” said Irene Partl (FPÖ/T). She has no hope that she would do it better than her predecessor when it comes to health, care and internal security. Partl called for a clear commitment to the constant neutrality from the federal government. This means impartiality and the commitment to peace solutions. Austria should not participate in European military alliances, but rather strengthen its own defense ability.

Greens: Ready for constructive but critical cooperation

He is pleased that there is now a federal government because parties have been found in an increasingly polarized society for a compromise, emphasized Marco Schreuder (Greens/W). In a democracy, it is legitimate to see where there are most intersections for compromises and this was not the case with the FPÖ. Schreuder turned against the concept of the “unit party” used by the free used. ÖVP, SPÖ, NEOS and GREEN have often shown their different opinion in the past. What they digned in contrast to the FPÖ is that they put the state interest before the party interest. The Greens are now an opposition party again, but are ready to work.

Transatlantic cooperation is currently being questioned. European cohesion is now important, like since since the Second World War, Schreuder emphasized. He wanted a Europe that works for cooperation. Russia wants to destroy Europe with its hybrid attack war. With regard to the budget, a “coat of arms” is irresponsible. In the past, as with the banking crisis, larger budget holes have been achieved. Budget policy should not be carried out at the expense of climate protection, Schreuder criticized. He was positively on the government program the intended implementation of the federal prosecutor and the basic child security.

The “Chancellor Kickl” was barely missed and this would not have meant a good thing in the current global political situation, Simone Jagl (Greens/Lower Austria) was pleased with a stable and pro -European government. The Greens are ready for constructive cooperation, but would also take a critical look at things, emphasized the Federal Councilor and missing in the government program, among other things, improvements for people in social professions or climate protection measures.

NEOS: Government program with milestones

She is a feminist and feminism, which is in the interest of everyone, explained Manuela-Anna Sumah-Vospernik (Neos/W). An FPÖ-ÖVP government would have brought upheaval that would not have influenced life for the better, she was convinced. The now government program between ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos can now be seen. It contains “milestones” such as the creation of an independent federal prosecutor or an ORF reform. In addition, a strong commitment to art and culture is anchored. In addition, Sumah-Vospernik highlighted the proposed measures in the field of education, such as the mandatory second kindergarten year, medium maturity or reducing bureaucracy in schools. In addition, the Federal Councilor emphasized the competencies of the NEOS government team. (Continued Federal Council) Sox/PST

Note: Sessions of the National Council and the Federal Council can also be followed by Livestream and are as video-on-demand in the Parliament media library available.

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