Healthy brain: how we can prevent disease

Healthy brain: how we can prevent disease

Brain diseases are increasing worldwide. This makes their prevention even more important, as does research into preventive measures and new therapies.

Brain diseases such as dementia, migraines, epilepsy, sleep-wake disorders, headaches, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis are increasing worldwide. This also increases their health, psychosocial and economic burden. At the same time, according to studies, up to 40 to 50 percent of these cases could be prevented. It is therefore all the more important to talk more about how neurological diseases can be avoided if possible.”

Mag. Ingo Raimon, PHARMIG President

Vienna (OTS) At the recently held annual meeting of the Austrian Society for Neurology (ÖGN), at which PHARMIG President Ingo Raimon discussed the topic of “brain health” with other experts, the association representative emphasized the importance of prevention: “Brain diseases such as dementia, migraines, epilepsy, sleep-wake disorders, headaches, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis are increasing worldwide. This also increases their health, psychosocial and economic burden. At the same time, according to studies, up to 40 to 50 percent of these cases could be prevented. It is therefore all the more important to talk more about how neurological diseases can be avoided if possible.” In this context, Raimon also points out that brain research must be intensified in order to gain further insight into both the causes of disease and ways to prevent it.

Neurological diseases are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. In neurology and neurology, the focus has so far been on symptoms. However, the need to take measures to avoid such illnesses as much as possible and to stay healthy for as long as possible is increasingly seen. This includes minimizing behavioral risk factors, for example through more exercise, a balanced diet, not smoking and little to no alcohol consumption. The WHO had one for this last year global action plan published.

Research is therefore increasingly focusing on measures to keep the brain healthy for as long as possible. Artificial intelligence and precision medicine are making an ever greater contribution to this: “It is now possible to detect the smallest changes in neurofunctions, for example through speech samples that are submitted annually and analyzed by the AI. When it comes to the development of innovative therapies and the entire area of ​​drug production, we see great potential in digitalization. Processes are increasingly being digitized, which on the one hand enables greater efficiency and on the other hand creates new opportunities, especially in research. This is also reflected in the portfolios of research-based pharmaceutical companies, which increasingly include products in neurology. “All of this benefits patient care,” Raimon is convinced.

In order for research to provide further insights and treatment options, Raimon says it is necessary to promote it accordingly: “I would like to see more research, especially in Austria, and not just in neurology. We have to ensure that ‘Made in Austria’ is preserved as best as possible. But it is just as important to strengthen ‘Made with Austria’, i.e. international drug research, at least with Austrian participation. This needs to be pursued together with politics, medicine and industry. But we only really have a chance if the prices of innovative and proven medicines are ultimately set fairly. This is an important location factor.”

About PHARMIG: PHARMIG is the voluntary interest group of the Austrian pharmaceutical industry. The association currently has around 120 members (as of March 2024), who cover a good 95 percent of the medication market. PHARMIG and its member companies stand for the best possible security of supply of medicines in the healthcare system and ensure social and medical progress through quality and innovation.

Questions & Contact:

PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry
Peter Richter, BA MA MBA
Head of Communications & PR
+43 664 8860 5264

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