Guided themed hikes in the Donau-Auen National Park
St. Pölten (ots) –

In the case of guided hikes along the paths in the Donau-Auen National Park, depending on the season, weather situation, water level, composition of the group and personal interests, thematic focuses on the national park rangers. These walks are best to be mastered due to the level path and the route lengths to be agreed individually with normal condition.

In addition, as “specials” there are a fixed -term topic excursions that, a seasonal arc from the twittering of birds in spring via wild herbs and fruits as well as night hikes to the autumnal stag brunft and the animal survival strategies in ice and snow, and focus on the numerous aspects and special features of the wild water forest on the river.

The spring offer starts on March 7 with the night hike “The Owls on the trail”, in which you can listen from the chants of the Waldohreulen and Waldkäuze from 5:30 p.m. On March 14th there will be another appointment from the Eckartsau sports field from 5:30 p.m. “It drums!” It is said on March 8, when Petronell-Carnuntum trains are visited the woodpeckers in the national park that start with their bridal show as soon as the days get longer; The start is at 9.15 a.m. Already on March 9, a family excursion from the National Park Center Schloss Orth leads to the amphibian fence in the national park, where the world of these animals is playfully explored from 8 a.m.

The first program item in April is a “natural spectacle at the end of the day” when a detour from the train station in Maria Ellend leads to the AU on April 3 from 5:30 p.m. “In the realm of lizard and nattter” you are guests on April 20, where – starting from the Danubecafé in Hainburg – you get to know the habitat of emerald lizards, cubes and asculap snakes; Start is at 2 p.m. “Nachtaktiv in the Auwald” is on May 9th: Starting from Humers Uferhaus in Orth an der Donau, you will be on the trail of the secret life of the nightly meadow from 8 p.m. Finally, on May 17th, “all birds are already there” on May 17th at 2 p.m. in the National Park Center Schloss Orth.

Last but not least, there are also interesting themed hikes in the Vienna part of the National Park Donau -Auen: From the National Park House in the Lobau on April 4 from 4.30 p.m. for the “Biber – secret builder in the Lobau”, on April 5 from 2 p.m. for “Eating, coloring, working – crops in the Auwald”, on April 11 from 4:15 p.m. City refreshes ”as well as on April 30 from 7 p.m. around the“ Dusk Dawn in the reeds ”.

More information and registration in the National Park Center Schloss Orth at 02212/3555 and email or at the National Parkhaus Vienna-Lobau at 01/4000-49495 and email as well

Office of the Lower Austrian state government
State Directorate/Public Relations
Mag. Rainer Hirschkorn
Telefon: 02742/9005-12175

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