Guangdong accelerates the establishment of a modern industrial system with higher international competitiveness

Guangdong accelerates the establishment of a modern industrial system with higher international competitiveness

On February 5, 2025, the first working day in the year of the snake, Guangdong held a high -ranking conference on high -quality development in Guangzhou. The aim was to exchange ideas about the acceleration of the structure of a modern industrial system. For the third time in a row, the first big meeting after the spring festival in Guangdong was of high quality development – a clear signal for its central importance in the modernization of the province and the strategic will to consistently promote it.

Huang Kunming, secretary of the party committee of the province of Guangdong, gave a speech at the conference. Governor Wang Weizhong headed the event. Among the participants were Huang Chuping, director of the constant committee of the Provincial Congress; Lin Keqing, chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Political Consultative Conference of the Chinese people (PKKCV); Yang Yinkai, deputy director of the central tax office; as well as Meng Fanli, deputy secretary of the Guangdong party committee and secretary of the party committee of Shenzhen.

Huang Kunming emphasized that building a modern industrial system is a central support for Chinese modernization. Guangdong is a special responsibility as a pioneer and should take on a leadership role in modernizing the industrial system. The aim is to create a powerful new image – based on a modern industrial system with high international competitiveness. The industrial foundation of the province has grown through open cooperation for years and strengthened by continuous transformation.

In view of the new global wave of technological and industrial upheavals, Guangdong has to take on a leading role in order to comprehensively optimize and upgrade its industrial system. This requires a clear break with low -quality sectors, the seizure of strategic top positions and the establishment of an emerging, dynamic Guangdong, which is characterized by a modern industrial system with high international competitiveness.

Guangdong has a complete industrial system, a strong industrial support structure and sufficient scope for development. In addition, the province has built up a solid industrial basis and unique competitive advantages over the years. These strengths would have to be converted into concrete development success in order to create an economically prospering, dynamic future for Guangdong with a modern industrial system.

Huang further emphasized that traditional and competitive industries should be consolidated and optimized, while new and future -oriented industries should be encouraged. There is a special priority in the areas of artificial intelligence and robotics, which should be developed as new industrial columns with high technological deep, strong growth potential and large scale. In addition, it is crucial to create cheap political framework conditions, to continuously improve the business environment and to build a first -class talent center together with Hong Kong and Macao. The “action program for recruitment by one million talents for South Guangdong” should be comprehensively implemented in order to secure the talent-side basis for the modern industrial system.

Governor Wang Weizhong emphasized that the modernization of the industrial basis and value chains must be advanced to accelerate the establishment of an internationally competitive modern industrial system. The province should continue to rely on a real -economically oriented, industrial -based development strategy. This includes strengthening 20 strategic industrial clusters and promoting new future industries such as artificial intelligence and robotics. The aim is to develop high -quality new productive forces.

The close interlinking of industry and science is essential to expand the innovation chain over the entire development process. This included the targeted research on key technologies, the structure of powerful platforms for concept and pilot tests as well as the establishment of globally leading innovation centers for industrial science and technology.

Source: Province of Guangdong

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