Growth needs instructions

Growth needs instructions

Austria/Vienna (ots) –

SMEs have learned that great promises of success often end in the valley of tears. Some of the announcements of self -proclaimed gurus were too attractive when it came to boost sales and maximizing profits. The range of offers of promise of success is still great. It tensions from the B2B vision of fully filling its appointment calendar through professional lead generation, through social media measures that drive the conversion rate of the eCommerce platforms into unimagined spheres, to providers who promise to achieve new sales dimensions through simple marketing webinars.

In this conversation between Dominik Paulnsteiner and Otto Kollerthe two editors of the Media Manager platform it becomes clear that on the one hand it is demonstrable and on the other hand it is demonstrable Professional service providers needsIf SMEs – regardless of which industry – want to actively and strategically shape the future. Dominik Paulnsteiner is convinced as managing director of the Domicom, an agency for ads, consulting and lead generation: “The idea of ​​quick happiness has no place. It is much more the enthusiasm for real marketing strategies paired with the willingness to work on tailor -made, performance -oriented solutions that SME will advance in the future. ”

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