Greens in Salzburg election: City council held, election goal achieved! – Some sensational Green results at community level

Voglauer congratulates Anna Schiester and the two election winners in the state capital on their success

Vienna (OTS) “The declared electoral goal of the citizens’ list in Salzburg was to retain the city council and to continue to be represented in the city government in the future. Anna Schiester and her team have succeeded in this and I warmly congratulate them,” says Olga Voglauer, General Secretary of the Green Party, in view of the defeat in the local council elections in Salzburg. “Anna Schiester as a city councilor and the Green Party team will work tirelessly over the next few years for more space for people, better public transport and affordable living and working space in the city of Salzburg,” says Voglauer. Voglauer also sees the fact that the Greens in Salzburg are still stronger than the Freedom Party as very positive. “This shows that the people in Salzburg do not want a liberal policy of agitation and division and do not allow themselves to be blinded by the bluster of the Freedom Party,” says Voglauer.

Regarding the Greens’ gain in mandate at municipal level, Voglauer says: “In most places we achieved the result we had set out to achieve or even exceeded it and are represented in all 31 municipalities in which we ran as Greens or with Green-affiliated lists . That means that with us Greens there is a strong voice for more climate protection, more soil protection and more transparency in the community halls,” says Voglauer. “Particularly noteworthy are Plainfeld, where the Greens ran for the first time and immediately ended up ahead of the SPÖ with 8.9 percent, or Puch, where the Greens achieved 17 percent straight away. Or also Anthering, where the Greens were able to double their number of mandates from two to four with a result of 18.9 percent. In Hof, the “Hofer Independents and Greens” list achieved 18.8 percent when it first appeared, the green-oriented list “Livable Seekirchen” achieved a sensational 32.8 percent in Seekirchen and takes second place with an increase of more than eight percentage points. Overall, there are a lot of results that we can be very satisfied with,” says Voglauer.

“Many thanks to Anna Schiester and her team as well as all the candidates who ran a committed election campaign and ran day and night. Many thanks to all the people who voted for the Citizens’ List and the Greens today and who have placed their trust in us,” says Voglauer, who congratulates Anna Schiester and the two election winners in the state capital on their success in today’s local council election.

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