Green Women Vienna/Spielmann ad Femicide: Violence prevention is the order of the day!

Vienna (OTS) The Green Women of Vienna are supporting the rally of the Austrian Women’s Ring against femicides taking place today and are calling on the red-pink Vienna city government to increase efforts in the area of ​​victim protection-oriented perpetrator work and in violence prevention in view of the recent terrible series of femicides: “If four women and A girl is brutally murdered in one day and Vienna is at the top of the federal state comparison when it comes to entry bans, we cannot just pay lip service to it. It takes the political will to give top priority to the fight against violence against women and to close gaps in the existing violence protection system. The city of Vienna must live up to its reputation of being a city of women’s and human rights,” demands women’s spokesperson Viktoria Spielmann.

From the perspective of the Vienna Greens, there is an urgent need to catch up, especially in the area of ​​victim protection-oriented work with perpetrators. “Unfortunately, many violent perpetrators are violent more than once. A coordination office in the city of Vienna for victim protection-oriented work with perpetrators could identify systemic gaps and all Support institutions that work with perpetrators and those affected. Awareness education in the form of campaigns that are primarily aimed at men is also necessary,” says Spielmann.

Spielmann also calls for greater emphasis on prevention work: “Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs, we already have a very well-functioning violence prevention project in Vienna called ‘StoP districts without partner violence’. With its awareness and educational work, it helps to strengthen moral courage in the neighborhood. We finally need StoP for all of Vienna and sufficient funding from the City of Vienna.”

The rapid implementation of the violence clinic in Vienna is also urgently needed. The starting signal for violence clinics in the South-East region, which includes Vienna, took place in December 2023 through an initiative by the federal government. “Violence clinics are important because professional and victim protection-oriented forensic examinations, forensic investigations and the documentation of violence are carried out there, regardless of whether proceedings are already underway. This needs to be implemented quickly in Vienna,” said Spielmann.

“Unlike Women’s Minister Susanne Raab, I am of the opinion that ‘business as usual’ is not an option. Recommendations from experts who have been pointing out what needs to be done for years must finally be implemented by all those responsible for politics,” concluded Spielmann.

Today’s rally by the Austrian women’s ring will take place from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Minoritenplatz.

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(+43-1) 4000 – 81814

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