“Green Producing” on ORF Vorarlberg: TV documentary “Global Solidarity – How our everyday lives shape the planet”

On January 20th at 4:30 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) The largest hidden object picture in the world is currently on display in the “inatura” museum in Dornbirn. With its 25 meters length, it forms the start of a three-part exhibition that deals with the consequences of the resource-wasting life of the global North on the South. The ORF Vorarlberg TV documentary shows what an artist and a designer have to do with more than 1,200 individual drawings to create such an oversized picture.

Austrian environmental label for the fifth time for ORF Vorarlberg

The TV documentary “Global Solidarity – How our everyday lives shape the planet” was produced by ORF Vorarlberg as a “Green Production”. This means that the TV film was produced according to an extensive catalog of measures and meets the criteria for being awarded the Austrian Ecolabel for “Green Producing”. Throughout production, the focus was demonstrably on resource conservation and sustainability in the areas of energy, technology, mobility and the environment. This means that ORF Vorarlberg has already been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel for the fifth TV production or broadcast.

The sustainably produced TV documentary “Global Solidarity – How our everyday lives shape the planet” can be seen on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. in the “Austria Experience” series on ORF 2.

Design: Bernhard Stadler
Kamera: Alexander Roschanek, Mike Tavera
Editing: Alexander Rauch
Editor: Angelika Simma-Wallinger
Overall management: Markus Klement

Questions & Contact:

Julia Feurstein
Press & Public Relations | Events
Vorarlberg State Directorate | DV
+43 5572 301-22558

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