Green Lower Austria is pleased with the wind power vote result in the Waldviertel

Green Lower Austria is pleased with the wind power vote result in the Waldviertel

Helga Krismer / Laura Ozlberger: “Now we need even more acceptance for this form of energy production so that the energy transition is not blocked”

St. Pölten (OTS) The Green Club leader Helga Krismer is pleased with the approval of the vote on wind power in three out of five communities in the Waldviertel: “The fact that the majority of the population in these communities has generally spoken out in favor of wind power represents a victory for common sense Reference to the energy transition in our federal state. It should be made clear to those who want to block wind power: For the Green Club in the Lower Austrian state parliament, there is only one path to a serious energy policy that our federal state can manage itself – through an appropriate network expansion and through a clear commitment and a significant expansion of photovoltaics and wind power in Lower Austria. Therefore, even greater acceptance of this form of energy generation is now required so that we can become independent of energy imports and complete the energy transition in Lower Austria. Electricity from wind and sun is ours only effective means against new nuclear power plants near the border.”

The Green environmental councilor from Waidhofen an der Thaya, Laura Ozlberger, also agrees with this idea: “Even though it was close, I am very happy about the positive vote result and the Waidhofen residents’ commitment to green electricity in the region. I am “I am convinced that everyone will benefit from these projects and that we can win over even the skeptics, at the latest through the positive effects such as cheaper electricity, etc..”

Questions & Contact:

Michael Pinnow
Press spokesman for the Lower Austrian Greens

The Greens in the Lower Austrian state parliament
New Herrengasse 1/Haus 1/2. floor
3100 St. Pölten
Telephone office: 02742/9005 16702
Telephone mobile: 0676/944 72 69

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